Chapter 14: Answers

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Naira hurried to the Gym Area of their apartment. Finally!! A secluded Area...

The whole Day, her thoughts had been pinned on a certain man who happens to be her husband. Everywhere, she could sense his presence and even the smallest thing reminded her of him.

To top it, Gayu, Kuhu and Mishti had made it their life's goal to irritate her into spilling beans about what happened that day at the Fresher's party...Although not directly on her face, those meaningful coughs, nudgings, wiggling of eyebrows, and pestering her with questions like
'Di, which song did you dance to in the party?'
'Di, What was the colour of the dress Tanvi wore?'
'Naira, Was the hangover that bad? Do you remember anything?'

And not to mention the sudden existence of friends and colleagues with the name Kartik or surname Goenka.
It was just Insane...

Soo Busy in her own thoughts, she hadn't noticed the very man whose thoughts occupied her whole heart and mind, doing pushups in a corner.

Kartik was astonished to see a mumbling Naira entering the gym. It was the least he had expected after all that she had done to avoid him like plague.

It really seems like Krishnaji was on his side this time, and he was in no way letting go of this opportunity that had so conveniently came walking upto him.

Naira froze, her hand midway in the air.
Heyy...Gangamaiyya,Kiski footi kismat likha hai mere name me...

The very man whom she had been avoiding...The very husband whom she was determined to break relations with..The very love of her life she wanted to stop loving, who has been so persistently occupying her mind, not budging from her heart,..Lo and Behold, was standing before her.

Kartik was breathless slightly, and his face a bit red with all the working out.

Naira made a bee-line for the entrance. But, as if expecting that, he quickly covered the entrance. She was totally caged unless she wants to make a run for the other entrance, which she was sure that she won't be able to do, considering that Kartik himself was a fast runner.He would catch her in not more than two seconds.

As Naira again tried to make a move, Kartik came closer not leaving any space for her to escape.

At a closer view, he looked even more handsome. His tank top stuck to his skin like a second skin, and his arms glistened with sweat.

Glancing back at his eyes, She could see him smirking at her...He had caught her checking out..Naira bit her tongue.

She could feel embarrassment clouding in her, but she determinedly hid it, not wanting to show that she was affected or care about it.

Kartik even could feel his senses losing, after being in close proximity with Naira after so long. He felt the need to hug her tightly, convey to her what is tormenting him...And just feel her presence.

"Kartik, chhodo" Naira said, as she struggled again.

"Nahi..Today you have to tell me all that happened two years ago."

"Kartik, No..I don't want to talk about anything."

"You have to, This time I am not leaving."

"Everything cannot go according to your wishes. When you wanted, you blamed me, When you wanted, you want answers".

Naira did not seem to budge from her decision. Kartik sighed. There was only one way.

"Tum kya kar rahe ho? Phir se bhaagegi? Ab kaha jaayegi? Naira, tum ek bhagodi ho...You only know to run from situations, not to face them. With your parents also, you had done this, and in Shubham's case also, you ran."

Naira's eyes flashed, and she stopped struggling. Her clear orbs reflected her pain and anguish at his hurtful words.

She withdrew her hands, and pushed him. Kartik stumbled.

"Main bhagodi nahi hu...And how could you drag my past and throw it ar my face. This time I hadn't run away Kartik, you chased me away. After Shubham died, not only you and Maa was broken, even me...I needed space from all this....And anyways I dont think I need to justify my actions to you..." she spat out.

"And you wanted answers, right?? Toh suno...About Shubham taking drugs, I only got to know a day before your birthday. But that day, Shubham requested me not to say anything to anyone, as he don't want anyone to be tensed because of him, especially on your birthday. I still refused, but he started begging me. He even told that he himself want to stop this, and he will not take any drugs anymore. I agreed to give him a day to tell you all..But on that night of his birthday, his friends forced him to take drugs, and it was.....over dose...." She sobbed, as she broke reliving all those horrendous moments.

But wiping her tears, she continued in between sobs.
"But...I saw them..They were running away..I chased them...But couldnt catch them..But by that time, It was too late... I tried telling you all these that time itself..but you..didnt listen".

"I lost my brother, Naira, and in front of my eyes, my mother was broken." He added, gruffly, his eyes watery.

"I understand Kartik..I understood that time also..That is why I waited...waited to talk to you..But then that day, when I came again, you didn't even listen to what I wanted to say. In your eyes, I was the one who killed your brother, and nothing could have changed that."

"It didn't matter to you what happened that day, just like it doesn't matter to me now what you think about me" finished Naira, as she unfastened the door and left, without turning back.

Kartik stood still, his eyes fixated at her retreating figure.

After Shubham's death and Naira's departure from his life, He was living a broken and incomplete life, while Naira was living a nightmare. Each day she struggled with the blames he and his family had heaved upon her, and she herself, at one point or the other, burying in guilt.

And He, like a loser, was blaming Naira for something she had not even done.

How will he correct things this time??


Heyy..Finally, Kartik got the answers he was searching for...
Stay tuned to know where they stand in their equation of love....

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