Chapter 13: Royally messed up

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Naira stared at the phone...The very phone that was ringing with Kartik's name clearly flashing on the screen...The very call she had persistently been ignoring...The very person who had been relentlessly calling her throughout the day, just like the relentless rain that was pounding outside.

Another Thing which was as unpredictable as Kartik would be rain in Mumbai. She thought dryly, as she stared at the window panes on which the rain was making its mark...Only for a short time period though. Water was tumbling down the glass at a considerable speed, which was very intriguing to watch.

Engulfed by the feeling to be marked by those waters that the clouds were shedding increasingly, she left the room, tiptoed to the door so as not to wake anyone up, and after closing it slowly, she went down the stairs, right outside.

Opening the front door, which was still open, she stepped into the rain, slowly, the cold running through her whole body, as she shivered at its playful touches. She sniffed the strong fragrance of the wet earth that seemed to come from the garden that was nearby.

She treaded out into the courtyard, filled with puddles of water. In no time, she was fully drenched. As the cold water seeped through her pale green kurti, through her skin, she could feel every ounce of sweat, tiredness, worry, negativity disappearing, and a rejuvenating feeling arising all throughout her body.

She raised her hands, upwards to the dark expanse of sky that enveloped the whole Earth, as if to embrace the refreshing atmosphere.

Her body trembled, as with the rain, all that was spent up in her for the last few days came out- tears trickling, sobs emerging, she fell on her knees, and cried her heart out.

The thundering of rain smothered her sobs and cries from the world.

After what felt like eternity, her eyes raw from crying, she wiped her tears, feeling worn out and tired, but better.

Sometimes, the most courageous thing to do is to just cry away your bottled emotions...Let go of the burden that claws your heart...Let go of all griefs and move on....

And She did it.

Fully drenched, she got up. Her head heavy from all the crying and the rain that pounded on her, she sneezed...

Damn her for crying in the middle of a rain!! That too one of Mumbai's rarest  which definitely had the potential to keep her in bed for atleast a week.

Shivering with cold, she headed for her flat. Getting inside, and finally in the sanctuary of her room, she turned the heater on and went quickly for a hot shower.

After warming up, she came out, covered from head to toe in warm clothes, she crept back into her bed, wrapping the blanket tightly around her.

And off she was dragged into a sweet slumber.


It had been two years since Keerti had last talked to her brother.

After Kartik had blamed Naira for all that was messed up in their family, Keerti had ferociously taken up her side. The first few weeks leading after the incident was very uncomfortable and painful.

On one side was her mother, hurt by the sad departure of her son, and on the other side was Naira, broken by the allegations thrown on her by Kartik.

And she had to chose. And she hated it.

But that day, she had sided up with not her nanand(husband's sister) or her brother or her mother, but with the right...With her best friend...against her whole family.

Although,later on, the rest of the family realised their mistake, Kartik and her mother were adamant, not listening to anyone.

Since that day, two years ago, Kartik had ignored her...except for calling her once at a time, a nonchalant question on her well-being....That was it..

So, the untimely call that early morning from Kartik was the most unexpected. Confused, she had taken up the call. She could hear his breath, coming out ragged, and her heart ached for her little brother.

"Kartik. Kuch hua hai kyaa?" Asked Keerti, softly.

"Bahut kuch, Keerti..Bahut...kuch....But I don't...understand.....a...damned...thing"

"Kartik, tell me clearly..what happened?"

And Kartik poured out all the ruckus his life had thrown him into.....right from the day he had come to Mumbai...

"Di, Had I really messed up that day?"Kartik asked slowly, hopeful for a negative answer.

Keerti hesitated."Haa...Kartik..."

Kartik had expected that..

"Is it too late?"

"I am not sure, Kartik..but I hope soo not"

That's it...He had royally messed up this time...

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Another update for you all...Enjoy.

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