Back to Our Old Ways

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    We all arrived at the house long before Stevie showed up.... As usual, she was late. No surprise. We are all so use to it. Mick and John were the first to notice Stevie walk in, according to Miss Nicks, or should I say Mrs. Nicks-Buckingham, but I knew she was there. I always know when Stevie is there. I light up inside when she walks in a room. Even after 40 years, oh how she takes my breath away.... She has always been one to make an entrance but today, it was special. She came in with this giant statue thing that was bigger than her! She said it brought luck or something but I wasn't really listening... I was too busy looking at her. She has always been able to capture my attention. It's like she's a magnet. I am always drawn to her.... Now I know I am (was) with Kristen during this time, but I can't get enough of Stevie, even after all of these years apart.
     We hugged hello and after I got her something to drink, we began to listen to the songs she brought with her. Of course I thought they were amazing, but without sounding desperate, or at least trying, I just gave her some compliment about them. I think it was something along the lines of , "keep writing songs like this and we will be set! All right Miss. Nicks!" So much for being suttle, Linds. I knew Stevie was blushing at that but she tried to cover it up. She isn't very good at that though, I know her all too well.
    We eventually called it a day, Stevie claiming she didn't get much sleep and she was tried or something, but I still think it was just to get away from me because she was uncomfortable. After Mick and John got their hugs, she approached me and we hugged probably longer than we should have... I whispered into her hair,"Stevie I think we need to talk, no actually I want to talk. Where can we meet?" and she replied, "Come to my room later." That was all I needed to hear to get butterflies in my stomach, rosey red cheeks, and a stupid grin, as Stevie would call it, on my face. After all of this time, she could still do this to me.
I knew she didn't really want to talk to me because she already knew what I was going to say, but for once I knew I would leave MY Stephanie speechless, if only she gave me the chance to, which luckily I was granted.
Boy was she in for a shock of a lifetime!

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