Destiny Rules

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So here we are, in our present day happiness. Stevie and I have been happily married for 7 wonderful years, with my two children Will and Leelee living with us full time, due to the fact that Kristen went crazy when she found out I was back with Stevie. Will and Leelee came to live with us in our San Jose house back in 2001. Both were still so young, Will being 5 and Leelee 3, so they quickly adapted to having Stevie as their full time mother. She is so great with kids, and watching her with my two little guys made my heart melt. She loves and cares for them like they are her own. I remember the first time they called her "mommy." She burst into tears and hugged them both so tight I thought they were suffocating. Ever since then, their bond has been unbreakable. Stevie taught Lee ballet, and how to sing, dance, twirl and do makeup. Will use to get jealous of how close the girls were, so Stevie use to dress him up too, and teach him how to play guitar, even though that was my job. She never wanted either one to feel left out.
We got married on October 22nd, a year after I proposed. We had a small little wedding with family and close friends. We got married on the beach, ironically, at our spot. It was truly beautiful and I couldn't imagine it any other way. Stevie was the most perfect bride, like I always pictured it. On our honeymoon, we went to Capri, Italy. It was the most romantic, magical two weeks I think we ever spent.
Back in 2004, Stevie and I got a very intresting phone call. That was the day our lives changed forever, once more.
An adoption agency called us, a week before our anniversary. Stevie had tried to adopt secretly back in 1990, but it didn't work out. She never told them not to call again, so they called that week and said "Ms. Nicks, we have some news for you." Stevie was freaked out, unsure what was going on, and they lady on the other end of the line said to her," a woman is having a child in about a week, and she wants you and Mr. Buckingham to be the parents." This very rarely happens like this, but after talking it over, we both agreed. Exactly a week later, on our anniversary, miss Rhiannon Sara Nicks Buckingham came into our lives. Even though it was gentically impossible, she had Stevies eyes and nose. Stevie agreed the minuet she held Rhiannon in her arms. It was like she was ment to be our child. We wouldn't have it any other way.
Now, Will is 10, Leelee is 8, and Rhiannon is 4, still keeping us on our toes. I wouldn't have it any other way. I have the most perfect family. Stevie is in my life, Will and Leelee are here, and Rhiannon, our little miracle, is just like mommy. we all are so happy together. My life could not be more perfect. Stevie and I are even working on a Buckingham Nicks album.
I have made a lot of mistakes in my life time, but I have learned from them. I look back on what might have happened and where I might be if I didn't fight for Stevie and our relationship again. I know I would be miserable. But I'm not, I am as happy as I could be. I finally have the family I have always wanted with the only girl who will ever have a hold so strong on my heart. I thank my lucky stars, and the universe, for making everything work out the way it was suppose to. I couldn't picture anything any other way.


thank you all so much for reading!!! I hope you all enjoy this story! let me know what you guys think!
xoxoxo Stevie

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