Running Through the Garden

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Hours passed by. Stevie and I were civil at that point, but still, things were uneasy. Tension lingered heavily in the air. Mick and John, well more Mick, continued to crack jokes about the day's events. Stevie and I were not too pleased by this, but after a few "fuck you's" having been thrown their way, the boys simmered down. I just wanted to get this day over with so Stevie and I could talk. We never set up a time or anything, and I didn't want to push her further away, so I let sleeping dogs lie and figured we would work it all out eventually.
After dinner, which we all decided to have together, Mick and John got up to make calls and have some smokes. This left Stevie and I to do dishes.Something both of us hated. Still to this day, I think they left so that we could talk. Stevie and I carried on through a few awkward moments of silence until she finally spoke up... "Lindsey we need to talk. I think after we do these damn dishes, we should go upstairs, shower, and when I'm finished, because we all know I take the longest, I will come to your room, and we will talk and try to figure some things out. We need to be mature adults about this situation." A little surprised by her words, I simply replied, "All right, sounds like a plan TeeDee." I was hoping to get a smile on her face, which I did. She always claimed (and still does) that she hated when anyone else but her mom called her TeeDee, a childhood nickname, but everytime I say it, I see her light up inside.

We quickly finished the remaining dishes, both eager to speak with one another, and headed up the stairs to shower. After what seemed like hours, which in reality was only an hour and a half, I heard a faint knock on my door. I looked at the clock which read 9:30 on it, and opened the door, already knowing who it was. Stevie stood there awkwardly at first until I opened the door wider so she could step in. We both felt painfully awkward in this situation, knowing this could end either way, in tears or in smiles, but the events that occurred over the past two days needed to be discussed and we were old enough to be able to handle it.
I was the first one to speak. "Stevie, I want to start off by apologizing to you. A million sorrys won't do it, but I truly do feel so bad for how much I have hurt you not only over the past two days, but the past 40 years. I should have never approached you with such a serious topic last night, I should have eased into it, but instead, I let my feelings get the best of me, yet again, and made you and myself cry. As for yelling and embarrassing you today, I am so sorry. That wasn't my intention, but I was so angry and hurt about last night, I reacted the wrong way. So I want you to know I am sorry, and I understand why you reacted the way you did. I should have been more sensitive to your situation and feelings about this. I'm so sorry Steph, can you ever forgive me?" I pleaded to her, at this point in tears. I just couldn't believe what I had done to her. "Lindsey, honey, no you don't need to be sorry. I am the one who should be sorry. You came to tell me something, share your feelings, show me how much you loved and cared about me and how you wanted a relationship with me again and how you took big steps. I turned you away, shut you out, again, and I can't say I am sorry enough. I was being so incredibly selfish, thinking only of what I felt towards you all the years we weren't together. I let my feelings that I had been denying, resurface, and I was scared. Hell I am still scared. But what I did to you last night and today was completely wrong. You have been nothing but understanding and kind and showed me how serious you were about all of this. I am sorry I was so insensitive to you and your feelings. I must have crushed you. I get why you were so angry. Do you want the truth?" She asked me. "The truth about what?" I asked her puzzled, still in shock that she apologized to me. "The truth about how I really feel about you Linds..." she said shyly. I took her hands and led her to the couch in my room so we could sit comfortably. After sitting, she began to speak the most beautiful words I have ever heard her say (aside from our wedding songs we wrote eachother). "Lindsey, all my life I never have been able to find someone like you. You are the most unique, beautiful soul I have ever met. Your talent is beyond amazing, and you are just one of the most special people ever to enter my life. I regret letting you go, not only once back in 1975, but all three time we tried our relationship after. Telling you to walk out that door all of those times was one of the hardest things I have ever done and I don't ever want to do it again. I hate myself for it. I have never been able to find someone who loves me and cares about me like you do. I have been denying these feelings I have had for you all these years because it was easier than admitting the truth. The truth is, I love you more than life itself Lindsey Adams Buckingham and I am so sorry for all I have put you through." She said, now not only having me cry, but crying herself. "Steph what are you saying?" I asked her to make sure I was clear on the message she was delivering. "I am saying that if you still want me, I want to be yours again." Wiping away both of our tears, I said, "Of course I still want you Stephanie. I have always wanted you. It's always been you angel." She started to cry again and I leaned in to comfort her. "Relax baby, there's no need to cry." I said, trying go sooth her. "No Linds, these are tears of happiness. I never thought you would take me back after today and last night." "Are you crazy Steph, your my dream. Of course I want you. I always have and always will." She laughed and I made another very important decision in that moment. I would never let MY Stephanie go ever again. I leaned back in and kissed her with all the passion I possibly could give, and she returned the kiss just as passionate. We both knew in that moment, that we needed eachother more than anything and could never part again. How I missed the taste of her lips against mine. We continued kissing on the couch for a few more minutes until I decided to push my luck once more that night, and slip my hand under her nightie. She laughed and said in between kisses, "Linds," "yea babe" "bed. now." Eager at the moment, I picked her up and placed her gently down on the bed, and pounced. 'God how I missed her.' I thought to myself. I was about to be the luckiest man on earth once again!

Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading!! I was wondering if you guys wanted me to continue with this story? I have some more chapter ideas! let me know if you want me to continue working on it! Hope you are enjoying it so far!! Thank you for reading!
xoxox Stevie

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