Smile at You

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The day went on, as normal as normal could be for Fleetwood Mac. The four of us worked our asses off recording and editing. We wanted to make that the album was as perfect as possible. I knew I could be a little , or a lot, controlling and get a little crazy when it came to making albums, but I really wanted to prove to Stevie that I changed, and for the better. I backed off a lot during this album, but I still put my opinion in when I thought it was necessary. We recorded Stevies vocals on her song Silver Girl and her backup vocals on Miranda. It was a productive day and Stevie sounded as amazing as ever. Her voice is so captivating and like she says, well sings, I never am able to get away from the sound of the woman that loves me. I gave her a few compliments here and there, making her blush occasionally. I tired not to make it too noticeable that we were back together to the guys and everyone else, so I kept it as low key as possible. She knew what I was doing though.

Later on at night, we ordered in from a local Chinese place. We were all starving from working so hard that day. After dinner, we all cleaned up and Stevie was the first one to give everyone hugs goodnight and go upstairs. When she came over to me, she wraped her arms around my neck and whispered into my ear, "come to my room later. Be prepared to stay the night." she said to me in her husky voice. I didn't make any movements, to avoid the comments from the guys.

After hanging with the guys for a few more hours, I called it a night around 12:30, looking forward to my time with Stevie. I wanted to go up with Stevie when she left earlier at 9:30, but to avoid suspicions, I went ahead and hung with the guys. I was totally uninterested in what they had to say but I went along with it anyway. I rushed upstairs, showered as fast as possible, threw on sweatpants and a tee shirt, and headed to Stevies room.

It was 1am at this point, but knowing my little night owl would be awake, I knocked twice. She answered the door and within seconds,before I even had a chance to look at her, she pulled me in her room. She shut the door and jumped into my arms and began to kiss me. I was loving this wonderful surprise, but knowing we had to talk, and get up on time, I pulled away, causing her to stick out her bottom lip, letting me know she was only kidding that she was sad. I carried her over to the bed and placed her down. I kissed her once more, and then spoke. "Stevie, that was a lovely surprise, and I loved it, really I did, but we do have to talk and sleep and get up early.... so I think we should talk so that way, you know, we can sleep and stuff." "Oh, get your head out if the gutter Buck! Your right, we do have to talk. Come sit with me baby." She patted the spot next to her and I sat down and pulled her into my lap. I began to stroke her arms softly. "So honey, what did you want to talk about?" I asked her. "We need to talk about us." "Okay. I agree 100 percent." She began to stir in my arms and I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. Not a good sign. I began to get nervous, she wasn't even talking. "Steph,honey, what's wrong. What's going on. Please talk to me. I want things to be different this time. No secrets, totally honest and upfront. We need to communicate better. So please, tell me what's going on baby, I am all ears." "Well Linds, I don't know if your gonna like what I am about to say, but I have to tell you." Oh god I thought. This can not be good. "Okay, what's up Stevie." I said to her, a little uneasy. "Linds, honey, I love you so so much, and I don't want to hide my love for you anymore. I want to tell everyone right now. Get it out of the way. I want to be 100 percent open about it at all. Today was so hard, not being able to touch you and kiss you and compliment you when you were playing. I know it sounds crazy, but I missed your touch all day today. I just wanted to sit with you while you played, just like we use to back during BuckinghamNicks. I know I'm being so forward and rushing it maybe but I just love you so much and I want this to work so bad. I want it to be back to us, like the old Stevie and Lindsey. Happy and in love. Linds baby I love you so much I just want to be with you all the time." She was crying at this point, unable to hold back her tears. She jumped out of my lap and ran to the window. I jumped up and grabbed her. I picked her up and kissed her so passionately. I twirled her around and she began to laugh. It was something I use to do when we were young and foolish. "Stephanie, angel, I would want nothing more than that. What you just said to me, made my heart melt. All I ever want is to be able to kiss you and hug you whenever I want! Today was so incredibly hard for me! when you were singing all I wanted to do was go in the booth and kiss your face off! Your so beautiful and amazing and I am so glad we feel the same way! I would love to tell everyone your mine again! I can't wait to flaunt you off as my amazingly beautiful girlfriend!" I was so happy, I began to shed a few tears myself. Stevie, at this point, a tearful mess, melted into my arms and kissed me again. She was so happy we were on the same page with our relationship. I was too. I knew it was going to be different this time. "Linds honey, what you just said to me made my heart soar! I am so glad you are so happy about this too. God I missed you Buck!" she said to me happily. I kissed her once more, and smiled back at her. "Come on angel, it's late and we have to be on time tommorow. We will tell everyone about our relationship tommorow morning and that way I can kiss you whenever I want." She laughed at me and said "Take me to bed then baby." "with pleasure." And with that, I carried her back into bed. We began to kiss eachother more passionately then ever before. After a few moments, she put her hands under my tee shirt, and began to pull it upward. I threw it over my head and crashed my lips back onto hers, and untied her nightie. "Off." I commanded and she threw it on the floor in one swift motion. She pulled down my sweatpants and I kicked them to the floor. I began to kiss down her neck, onto her chest. She let out a moan, which turned me on even more. I still couldn't believe how lucky I was, to be with the most beautiful woman ever. "I love you so much Stephanie. You complete me." I said, unsure where that came from, but I ment it. She began to cry and said "I love you to Linds. Forever." Something we said when we were young. She remembered. "Forever." I said, wiping away her tears. We made love into the early hours of the morning, eventually falling asleep on to of eachother.

Hey guys! I wanted to start off by saying thank you for leaving such nice comments! it's so wonderful to hear your kind words and see what your thoughts are! Second, I wanted to let you know I will be updating every day until I finish the story. I was thinking about making it a long one, for I have many ideas about where I want to take this! Let me know what you guys think!
xoxo Stevie

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