Bleed to Love Her

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The next morning we made sure we got up with ample amount of time to get ready. We were both very nervous about telling everyone about our relationship, not because we weren't excited, but because we knew they would all have a comment. Either way I knew it didn't matter what they said. I love Stevie with all my heart and that's all that matters. There was no way she was getting away from me EVER again.

I went to my room to change my clothes and shower, but about an hour later, I went back to Stevies room to get her so we could go downstairs. When she opened the door, I was the one who scooped her up in my arms, and kissed her. "Lindsey, baby, as much as I love this, there will be plenty of time for this later after we move you in here, but for now we have to go tell everyone our big news and get going with this album." She said giggling a little. She planted another kiss on my lips and I put her down and grabbed her hand. "Stevie did you just say after we move me in here?" I looked at her. "Well yea, I just though my room was bigger and I already have everything arranged in my Stevie way and it would just be easier if we moved all your stuff in here, being that there isn't much." she said. "Oh my god am I rushing things, I am rushing things aren't I, oh my god Linds I am so sorry I was just so excited and I..." I didn't let her finish before I kissed her once more. "Stevie honey I would love to move in here with you, but I didn't think you were ready so I was just surprised that's all. I would love to make this our room baby." I said giving her a reassuring smile. She looked so relived. "Oh okay thank god! I was so worried I took it a step to far." "Never my angel, are you ready to go down?" "Well as ready as I will ever be." she said. I took her hand once more and led her out of the room we would soon be sharing.

As we walked down the stairs hand in hand, we got a few looks from some of the other people who were working on the album with us. Karen, Stevies assistant walked past the stairs with a smile on her face which made Stevie and I both laugh a little. If we had Karen's approval, then we knew it wouldn't be as bad as we both expected. We walked into the recording room, hands still intertwined, and sat down on the couch. Mick and John looked at eachother to make sure they were seeing things correctly, and then looked at us. John was the first one to speak. "So is this official or are you two still being 'just friends'?" He asked. Stevie and I laughed and she said, "Yes Johnny, this is official. Linds and I are officially back together and determined to make our relationship work. We promise it won't interfere with the band or the making of the album like it has in the past. We are different now, in a better place. We have changed a lot.We are ready to make this the best album yet!" She said smiling, rubbing her thumb over my hand the way she always did. It was a comforting gesture she has been doing since the dawn of time. I smiled at her and said, "You heard the lady! Let's get to work!" And with that the room erupted with applause, causing both Stevie and I to blush.

For the first time in what felt like ages, we were all working together so well. Stevie and I were totally in sync and now that I was able to touch her and kiss her whenever I pleased, I was very satisfied. We worked on Destiny Rules and Come today, rather fitting if I do say so myself. Stevie was totally embarrassed about my song. She always assumed, and still does, that everytime I write about a girl in one of my songs, the girl is her. I mean, in a lot of the cases they are about her, but not all the time. All and all, everything was going really well for the band. People were happy for Stevie and I, and our album was coming along quite well. The only thing I thought was a little off color was the fact Mick was being very quiet. He was never one for keeping his mouth shut, but today, he really didn't make much noise, except for when he was playing drums. It was starting to get to me, and Stevie could tell something was wrong. She came over to me while I was fiddling with the soundboard, and put her hand on my shoulders, startling me a little. "Linds honey it's just me." she laughed placing a kiss on my neck. "Sorry baby, you just scared me, wasn't expecting you!" I said. "Honey, what's bothering you, you seem tense." She said, now massaging my shoulders. "It's nothing I promise." I said to her. I didn't want to freak her out and make her upset, so I decided I needed to just shrug it off. "No Linds we made a deal. We talk about everything. No more secrets remember? Please tell me what's wrong sweetie, did I do something?" She asked a little worried. "God no Steph! your perfect! it's all okay I promsie you." I smiled at her. "Come with me baby" she said taking my hands and pulling me upward. She led me all throughout the house, into the kitchen and out the back door.

From there we kept walking and I was beginning to wonder where we were going. "Steph?" I asked. No answer. "Steph, honey?" Again no answer. "Stevie where are you taking me?!" I asked now a little annoyed. "Baby." She said and stopped walking. "What?" "Have I ever put you in danger?!" She asked me. "Well back in the 70s when you drove Keith's stick shift car into that house, I would say yes, yes you have." I began to laugh and I was rewarded with a playful smack on the arm. "Lindsey Buckingham, it was 5am and I was tired because YOU kept me up all night even though you knew We had to drive Keith to the airport that morning!" She said, now laughing a little herself. We had so much fun back in the day. Everything was so simple and we made it happy. I really missed times like that. She began to take my hands again and continued leading me through the backyard.

Finally, after what felt like forever, we sat down on this giant rock hidden between the trees. "Where the hell are we Miss. Nicks" "Welcome to my thinking rock." She said and leaned over to reach behind the rock, pulling out a very familiar looking box. "Steph is that what I think it is..?" I asked her. "It might be." She said,laughing. "I am appalled Miss. Nicks! What is this the 70s all over again?!!" I asked laughing. "Well your the one going back in time, and I know you still smoke, so what's the big deal. I just wanted to calm you down baby." She said pouting. I laughed and smiled at her "I told you I quit years ago baby." "Do you smell that?" She asked me. "What?" "That's a very distinct smell. That's the smell of BULLSHIT!" She said, now practically rolling on the floor. "hahahah very funny Steph. Now are we gonna sit here and laugh or are we gonna smoke?" She pulled out a joint and a lighter and said "Well I thought you quit years ago!?" She laughed at me once more, lighting her joint and taking a long drag. Before she had the chance to exhale, I pulled it out of her mouth and stole it from her. Taking a long drag myself, I began to feel a lot better. I was here with my beautiful girl, on a nice rock outside, smoking a joint and just relaxing. "So are you gonna tell me what's wrong honey, or am I gonna have to get you all goofy like I use to?" She asked me. I laughed. That's Stevie for ya! Never could just say stoned or wasted, she had to make up these crazy words like goofy or sloshed. I love it though and would have it any other way. "Have you noticed how Mick has been real quiet all day long. It's probably nothing, just me overreacting, but it's just been weird ya know?" I told her. She looked up at me and smiled. "Oh Linds I thought I was the only one who noticed that! I thought I was crazy so I tried to let it go, but apparently I'm not the only one." "Do you think we should talk to him, see what's wrong?" I suggested. "I think that's a wonderful idea Linds. But I need something first." She said taking another drag of the joint, passing it back to me. "Anything for you my angel." I said, taking a drag of the joint myself putting my hand in hers. "I need you to kiss me." She said shyly. I smiled, throwing the joint to the ground stomping on it, and pulled her into my lap. "With pleasure." I said before I crashed my lips onto hers.

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