Bleed to Love Her Part II

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After a short little make out session on the rock, we decided it was best if we headed inside even though we didn't really want to stop what we were doing. Arriving back hand in hand, we walked over to the couch where John was sitting. "And the lovebirds are back..." he said laughing. Stevie and I both laughed. "Do you know where Mick is Johnny?" Stevie asked him. "He said something about going outside, I don't know something along those lines, you know I tuned him out years ago." Laughing once more, I pulled Stevie up, thanked John, and went out to find Mick.

"I wonder why he's being so strange baby.You know it's not like Micky to ever keep quiet. " Stevie said to me as we walked through the house. "Me too. He's been weird since we told him we were back together..." I said. "Oh no Linds please don't tell me your having second thoughts or something..." Stevie said worried. I stopped dead in my tracks. "God no Steph. Angel come here." I said, pulling her into my now open arms. "I would never ever have second thoughts about us. I want this more than anything. I told you once, and I will say it again, I am never letting you go again." "Okay thank goodness. I was worried for a second." She said, laughing. "Are you having second thoughts..?" I asked her, a little worried myself. "Is this something I would do if I were having second thoughts?" She said before pulling my head down to her lips and placing a passionate kiss on my lips. "No, more than likely not." I said. "Let's go you big goofball, we are on a mission."

Outside the house we found Mick sitting on the stoop, smoking a cigarette. "Hey Micky!" Stevie said, placing her free hand on his shoulder. "Oh hey guys." He said rather quietly. "Micky, can I ask you something..?" Stevie was the one to speak this time. She always knew the right thing to say, her and her many wonderful words. "Sure, Stevester what's up?" He said, using the nickname he made for her when we first joined the band. "What's bothering you honey? you have been so quiet all day, your starting to scare us. Please talk to us." She said, wanting to know why he was being so distant. "It's nothing darling, I promise." He said, without his usual confidence. "Mick, come on buddy, I know something is bothering you, please talk to us. Would you rather talk to one of us alone?" I suggested. "No lindsey, thank you though. I am just fine." He said. "Come on Mr. Fleetwood. We all know something's going on. The jig is up, spill the beans." Stevie said, growing annoyed Mick wasn't giving her the answer she was looking for. "Fine Stevie. God, you really know how to wear someone down." Mick said, now laughing. "I am worried about you guys." He said flatly. 'Oh God, great, just like I thought' I said to myself. "What do you mean?" Stevie asked concerned. "Well last time you two tried to make it work, everything fell apart. This band is on the edge of falling apart. With Chris gone, it's hard, and we haven't made an album in quite some time, and people aren't very intrested in music like ours anymore..... so I am just worried that if you two don't work out, and Lindsey breaks your heart again, or vise versa, the band will be gone for good." He said sighing. "Oh Mick, darling, we promised you earlier that we wouldn't let our relationship get in the way of the band anymore. Linds and I have matured and learned from our mistakes and promise to make it better. We are in better places now, aren't we baby?" Stevie asked, looking at me. "That's exactly right. You have nothing to worry about Mick. Stevie and I are forever going to be together and our relationship will not effect the band in any negative ways like in the past. We are over all the drama. We want everyone to be happy. Seeing you sad is the last thing we want." "Yea Micky, please don't worry. It's all going to be okay. Our band is still gonna be ROCKIN' till we are 90 and in wheelchairs!!" Stevie said enthusiastically, causing Mick to laugh. "Okay, you guys win. I believe you. But please, I don't want to lose this band. Keep it together and don't fuck with our girl anymore Buckingham." He said , smiling. "I promise you, never again will I let my Stephanie get away. No one will ever break her heart again." I smiled at Stevie, who leaned into me now. "Good to hear mate. Keep her safe." "Will do." I said. "Alright, now that everyone seems to be okay again, can we get back to recording!" Stevie said, breaking the silence. "Of course my darling." Mick said, hugging her. "Thank you guys for caring." "No problem Mick. Anything for an amazing friend like you." I said. We all went back into the house, ready to get back to recording.

Later on that night, at around 6:30, everyone was getting hungry. Stevie offered to cook us all dinner, since we had been working so hard all day, and Stevie didn't have much to do. We all eargly agreed, being that 1. we were all hungry, and 2. we were dying for anything but take-out. Laughing at how excited we all were, she replied, "okay boys, keep working, and I will come get you when dinners ready." "THANKS MOM!" All three of us shouted at the same time. Everyone laughed, and went back to work.

After an hour, I decided I should go check on Stevie and make sure she was okay. I entered the kitchen, only to find a mess! She had on a little apron and had sauce and flour all over her. She was muttering something under her breath as she was looking through one of the cabinets. I sneaked up behind her, and grabbed her waist giving it a gentle squeeze, causing her to jump. I started to laugh, and she turned around in my arms. "Lindsey you gave me heart attack you jerk!" She said laughing. "Sorry baby, you looked too cute and I couldn't resist!" "Screw you!" she shouted, jokingly. "You already are angel." I replied, receving a playful smack on the arm. "I miss you inside. I need you there." I said, reciving an eye roll. "Oh shut up Bucky, it's only been an hour. Dinners almost ready, so go get the boys." "Yes dear." I said, giving her a quick peck on the lips before going.

Ten minuets later, a very hungry John, Mick and I returned to find the dining room totally transformed into a Stevie wonderland. I laughed at how perfect she had to make everything all the time. She had a few candles lit, a lace tablecloth covering the table, all this wonderful food layed out on the table and everything set up beautifully. She was such a perfectionist it was adorable. "Wow you would think she was feeding the army or something with all this food!" Mick said laughing. "That's Stevie for you, always goes above and beyond." John said. Just then Stevie entered the room carrying a bottle of wine with her. "I hope your hungry boys! I made a lot, so eat as much as you can." "Thanks Stevie!" the guys yelled before digging into their food. I walked over to Stevie and took her into my arms and began to kiss her neck. "Linds baby, your food is getting cold." "That's not what I am hungry for, "I wispered into her hair. "Later I promise." She wispered back.

After we ate, all of us so full from Stevies amazing dinner, we cleaned up and decided to call it a night early. We had the day off tommorow, something we were all looking forward to. Stevie and I raced upstairs after cleaning up. She helped me move all of my stuff into her, now our, bedroom. It only took a half hour, considering I barley had anything but clothes, shoes, bathroom products, and my favorite acoustic guitar in my old room. Once I was all settled in, I fell onto the bed, tired from everything I did today. "Awww is someone tired?" Stevie asked mockingly. "Just a little bit baby. It's been a very eventful day." I told her. "I know, and you worked so hard baby. You sounded great today. I am so proud of you." She said, crawling on top of me. "Thank you baby. I love you so much." I said, putting my hands around her waist, pulling her down for a kiss. "I love you too Linds. So much." She kissed me once more. She began to straddle my legs and run her hand through my curls. Shivers ran down my spine. After all of that time apart, she still could (and continues to everyday) do that to me. God how I love this woman. I flipped her over onto her back and began to pull her shirt off. "I thought you were tired baby?" She said to me. "Never too tired for you, my love." I said, attacking her neck with kisses. Stevie let out a moan, running her hands up and down my back. I knew our relationship was going to be good this time. It all just felt so right. Nothing would get in the way of me and Stevie. Not this time. Not ever again. I was prepared for the long hall. The only one I wanted. I wanted forever with my girl. "Linds, baby." Stevie said, making me stop kissing her. "What's up honey?" I asked. "I need you. Now." She pleaded. Laughing I gladly obliged to my darlings request, pulling off her leggings, once again, considering myself the luckiest man ever. Everything was just so perfect.

HI GUYS! Thank you so much for continuing reading! I have a few more chapter ideas in mind, but I was wondering if any of you had a request about something that could happen in the story! I always appreciate your lovely comments, so feel free to let me know and I will see if I can work them into my story line! I hope you enjoy reading this story!
xoxoxo Stevie

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