Say You Will

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The bright sunlight shone threw my curtains and went right into my eyes, blinding me. I barley slept, so worried about Stevie and what happened last night. My thoughts consumed me and knowing her, she barley got any sleep as well. I knew sooner or later I had to face the music, literally. We had to record some more songs and get rolling with this album. I didn't know how Stevie would be this morning, but I was worried about her, hell I am always worried about her. I knew she was going to be so fragile. God, I really blew it. I decided it was time to get up, not even knowing what time it actually was. I got out of bed and looked at the clock, 'great, it's 7 Linds, no one will be up for another hour and Stevie won't be up for at least 4 more hours.' I thought to myself. I decided that I should jump in the shower to try and get my thoughts together. As I was shampooing my hair, I heard a knock on my door, I ignored it thinking it was one of the guys and they could wait until I was done to talk. The knock came again and then once more. Finally irritated, I got out, wrapped a towel around myself, and headed to the door. The person standing on the other side took me by surprise.

"Karen, what are you doing here." I asked puzzled. "What the hell did you do to my boss and who do you think you are ignoring me when I knock on the door?!" Stevies fiery brown haired assistant shouted. Too early for this, I thought to myself. " Well goodmorning to you too Kar. Nice to see you again." "Oh cut the bullshit Buckingham. I know you made Stevie cry all night, and this morning, and now. So are you gonna tell me what the hell happened so I can get her to get up, or do I have to kill you first." I chuckled at that last statement. Karen has always been so protective of Stevie, making sure everything was perfect, and by the look on her face, I knew she ment business. "Karen I told her the truth, how I felt, how I grew up, took actions that should have been taken a LONG time ago. I apologized for all the pain I caused her and she flipped out. Trust me, I didn't want her to cry, and when I tired to comfort her she pushed me away and just yelled to get out. So I listened, Thinking she needed space and I was doing the right thing. But apparently, I don't know what the right thing to do is." I answered, truly sick to my stomach about the whole situation. "Oh Lindsey your such an idiot! You don't just do that to Stevie. You of ALL PEOPLE should know better. She doesn't take these things lightly. Now she's a mess and I don't even know what to do for her. I can't believe I am about to say this but this time, you actually didn't fuck up as bad as I thought. I am glad you made the right decision about you and Stevie. IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" She spat at me and I laughed again. "But I don't know what do about it this time. She really ment it when she said goodbye last time, according to her, and so this just made all of the feelings she has been denying, resurface. I think just give her space, and maybe she will come around. I am gonna go pick up the peices in there. See you at 9." Karen said and turned towards the door. "Karen, one more thing?" "What Lindsey?" "Tell her I love her and I am sorry." I said apologetically. "Lindsey you know better than that. I will do no such things. As far as Stevie is concerned, this whole conversation never happened." I looked at her with defeat and replied, "Your right, sorry." And with that, Karen went to pick up the mess that was her boss.

Hours later, Mick, John and I were waiting for Stevie to come down so we can try and get somewhere with this album. Mick, having no clue what happened previously that night, was growing annoyed with Stevie and how she was late. All the time. To everything. "I rented this bloody house so we can all be on time! This girl has some nerve. Always has. I have had it with this 'sorry I am late' bullshit. She better get her ass down here now!" Mick shouted, so the whole house could hear. John laughed and said jokingly, " Lindsey mate, what did you do this time?" he laughed. I did NOT find this very amusing and being so tired, snapped at both of the guys. "Leave Stevie the fuck alone. It's been a rough adjustment for her. So shut the fuck up Mick. And as for your unwanted comment John, I DIDNT DO ANYTHING THANK YOU." I said yelling at this point. I was so angry. "Woah, Lindsey it was just a joke mate. No need to get your knickers in a twist." John said, causing Mick to chuckle. "Fuck you both." I said, fed up with there bullshit. I slammed my guitar down and went to get some air.

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