Steal Your Heart Away

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The next morning, I woke up with Stevie still sleeping in my arms. I knew she would be out for at least a few more hours, being that it was only 8am, and she was (and still is) NOT a morning girl. I decided to take a quick shower, and make plans for us to do something fun today. I hadnt taken Stevie out in years, but I still remembered what she liked to do. So after my shower, I got dressed, made some phone calls, got some things together, and went to wake up Miss. Nicks. She was in for a treat today.

"Stephanie..." I wispered into her ear. " up angel..." I said a little louder. It was 11, and I wanted her to get ready for the day, being we had plans starting at 1. "Stevie baby wake up please. I have a surprise for you." I started to place little kisses all over her face and she began to stirr. "Come on baby get up!" I said, getting a little irritated. "Good morning Linds." She said and opened her eyes. I looked right into her beautiful eyes and all my irritation washed away. I gave her a big kiss before pulling away. She pouted and I said "Steph baby, we will have plenty of time for that later. I made plans for us today to enjoy our day off, so get your ass in the shower and get ready. Dress casual, and bring a sweater. We won't be back until late!" I said, very excited, jumping off the bed and turning towards the door. "Honey where are you taking me?!" She asked, a little nervous. "Don't worry. I told you how to dress, what to bring, and what time we will be back. That's all you need to know." "Linds all you said was casual, bring a sweater, and late. That doesn't qualify for being descriptive enough." She said, slumping back in bed. "Oh and we leave at 1." I said running out the door before she could kill me. Knowing her, she was flipping out about not having enough time. This thought caused me to chuckle as I walked down the stairs. "Well someone seems to be having a good morning! get lucky or something Buck." Karen said to me, laughing. Shit. I forgot to call Karen. "Hey Kar! We have the day off today, and I made fun, romantic plans for Stevie and I today, so you can have the day off, payed of course." I said happily. "Oh my god. Who are you and what have you done with the Lindsey Buckingham who yells at me?!" She said laughing again. "Stevie happened Kar. Stevie happened. That girl is angel." "Well okay, are you sure you don't need me, for anything?" She asked. I thought for a moment. "Actually there is one thing you could do for me..." I said. "Oh god here we go." "Can you call Keith Olsen and ask if we can borrow his stick shift car..? Actually wait. DONT say Stevies name. Just say me." "Oh god Lindsey Buckingham, turning into the hopeless romantic!! Sure thing Bucky, As long as you don't let Stevie drive I am sure Keith will be cool with it." Karen replied. "Yea never again. She will never EVER drive that car. Not after what happened in LA....Tell Keith I will pick it up at around 6, when the sun is going down." "Okay will do, I will text you what he says." "Sounds great. Oh, and Kar?" "Yea?" "Thanks. For everything." I said smiling. "Anything to make you guys happy. Treat her well Buck." She smiled back. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I replied, turning to go to the kitchen, waiting for Stevie to come down.

It was 12:59 and Stevie came strutting down the stairs, wearing a black chiffon shirt, leggings, and her "tall shoes" as I like to call them. "Well look at my beautiful girl! Early AND all dressed up!" I said taking her into my arms. "Well I was excited to see what you planned Mr. Buckingham." she said giggling, kissing me. I returned the kiss and before it got too heated, pulled away, grabbed my keys and her hand and rushed her out the door. "Do you have everything you need Steph?" I asked, making sure we would have to turn back around. "Yes I do mr eager! What the hell has gotten into you!" she said laughing. "We have plans!! Let's go! I said opening the passenger door to my car. "Why thank you honey." Stevie said sitting down. I shut her door and ran to my side, jumping in the car and quickly starting it. "Woah Linds, honey relax!" She said as I sped out the driveway. "It's fine Steph! Do you have your seatbelt on?" I asked, knowing she didn't. She quickly clicked it in. "I do now speed demon! Your gonna get us killed SLOW DOWN!!" She yelled. I turned on the CD player in my car and it began to play a mix of songs I had put together the other day, already knowing I wanted to do this today. "OH MY GOD LINDS I LOVE THIS SONG!!" She screamed! "I know baby! I put all of our favorite songs on a CD a few days ago." I answered. "Your so great Lindsey! I love you." She said taking my hand. "I love you too Steph!" she began singing along with the song, "Oh, your in my blood like holy wine, you taste so bitter and so sweet, oh I could drink a case of you darling, and I would still be on my feet, I would still be on my feet...." I loved hearing her sing. She had the most amazing voice. I felt like we were teenagers again, blasting Joni Mitchell in the car like old times, singing along, not a care in the world.

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