Red Rover

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Things were going great between Stevie and I. We got along so well, worked together like we were back in the BuckinghamNicks days, and had so much fun together. The album was becoming a great success! Everything was really good at that moment. Peaceful.
Of course we had our little arguments here and there, being that we are Stevie and Lindsey, but it was nothing like they use to be. We would scream and yell and then apologize and make up after.

It had been months since Stevie and I officially got back together, causing our fans to freak out. It was so great to see how many people we had supporting our relationship! We were moving really fast and we both were happy about it. I knew I wanted to make her officially mine soon, but she was not into marrige and I knew that, so I had been waiting for the perfect moment. Our album was going to be released soon, and I wanted to propose before all of the hype was about the music. I knew that If I was going to marry Stevie, I would want it to be the perfect time, so that all the attention was on her. She will never admit it, but she loves when she's center of attention. (She is gonna slap me for saying that) I had been busy planning the perfect night to propose. I was going to do it back like I was in 1975.

It was October 22, and I knew today was the day. It was months before the album was coming out, and it was right before Stevies favorite holiday; Halloween. In California, the weather was still warm enough that we wouldn't be too cold where I wanted to propose.
I had everything planned out perfectly, the only thing left to do was get Stevie to agree to leave the house and go out with me.

It was around 4pm, and we had the week off. I searched the house to find Stevie up in our room, reading on the balcony. "Hey honey." I said as I walked in. "Hi" Stevie quickly replied, not looking up from her book. She was (and still is) always like that. Engrossed in her reading or writing, too busy to be bothered. I remember thinking this was not going to be easy. "Steph, can I talk to you for a second." I asked, sitting nervously next to her on the empty chair. She could tell I was nervous, and immediately slammed her book shut and said "Lindsey. Please. Please don't say it..." She started to tear up. Confused for a second, I looked at her puzzled, and then realized what she ment. "Oh my god no angel no. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go grab some dinner! Oh my god please don't ever think that!" I got up and wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight. "Thank goodness Linds, you had me scared to death!" She said laughing, returing the hug. "I would never leave you again I told you this a thousand times." "Yea I know. And dinner sounds good! where do you wana go?" She asked "I have that planned. You get dressed and do your thing. Nothing fancy, comfortable, causual. "Okay! What time do I need to be ready by?" "5 would be lovely, but earlier would make my day!" I said, knowing that wouldn't be possible. "Don't push your lucky darling." she said laughing. "Yea I figured." I kissed her and exited the room, leaving her to get ready.

The whole time I was waiting, I was shaking. I was so nervous. I knew Stevie said like 3000 times she doesn't want to be married and she didn't want kids blah blah blah and I knew she loved my kids to death, like they were her own, but I was still so afraid of rejection. When Stevie said something she ment it. But look how it turned out with my kids. She loved the little monsters to peices and she was so good with them. I wished I had made her a mother a long time ago. Finally, it was 5:15 and she came down the stairs. "I'm ready to go Linds!" She said happily. I got up from my seat, took her hand, grabbed my keys and we left.

Once again we were on the highway, jamming out to our highway song with the top down, even though it was a little cold to be doing this, we didn't care. It was tradition! I drove us all the way to our spot on the beach, where we had so many memories already. "Linds are we...." "Having dinner on the beach, Yes angel, we are. Is that okay?" "It's perfect honey!" she said leaning over and kissing me. I jumped out of the car and opened her door for her. "Such a gentleman Mr. Buckingham." She said giggling, taking my outstretched hand. I led her down to our rock, where I had set up a sheet with rose petals and candles lit. "Lindsey this is beautiful!" She said squeezing my hand. I could tell she was happy already. Thank god. Everything was going smoothly. The sun was setting on the horizon, and we finished eating a little bit ago. "Baby do you wana go for a walk." "Sure Linds! sounds perfect. Thank you for dinner! It was so good." "Dont thank me, thank Riminis!" I said laughing.

We walked along the waters edge for a while, and I noticed that the sun was at Stevies favorite spot in the sky. As if reading my mind, she did what she always did. Rolled up her pants, and went to the water, allowing the waves to crash on her ankles. As usual, I followed her. "Tonight has been perfect. Thank you Lindsey." "Thank you Steph!" I said. "I didn't do anything baby." She said looking up at me. "Thank you for being you." "I love you Linds." "I love you too Steph." We watched the sun go down to the point where the sky was orange. "What a perfect sunset for the perfect day." Stevie said.

We went back to the blanket and sat down for a little longer. I knew I had to do this now... 'come on buck. now or never.' I remebering saying to myself. "Steph, can I ask you something?" "Of course love, what's on your mind." Here we go..... "Well Stephanie, I have known you for quite some time now. And we have had so many adventures together over the years. We had our ups and downs but we made it through. Together. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to make a lot of decisions I have made, and I wouldn't even be in Fleetwood Mac if it wasn't for our album together. We have done so much for eachother, and while we have had some really bad times, we also have had some amazing times. I am so happy to have you back in my life baby, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Time had put a spell on me, and really never will be able to get away from the sound of the women that loves me. I love you with all my heart Stephanie Lynn Nicks. And I want to ask you to be mine forever, If you will let me have the honor of being your husband." I said pulling the ring out of my pocket. Stevie was sitting there speechless and in tears. "Lindsey, that is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me. Of course I want to be yours honey! I always have been. And I always will be. Forever." she said smiling. I wiped away the tears that were freely rolling down both our faces now, and kissed her passionately. I broke away for just a moment, to slip the ring I have had since 1975 on her hand. "Oh lindsey this is beautiful! Where in the world did you find something this unique?!" She asked me. "Well I saw it a long time ago, and knew it was for you. It was so beautiful, antique, and mystical. It reminded me of you so much. Kinda like Blue Denim reminds you of my eyes, this ring totally reminded me of you." she smiled, tears threatening to fall once more. "How long Linds...." "a Long time." "How long Lindsey..." "1975 long...." I looked away from her. I felt so embarrassed. "Lindsey. Look at me." She commanded. I looked up at her brown eyes, tears falling out of them. "That is the sweetest thing ever honey. I can't believe you kept it this long." "Well I couldn't throw it away, or sell it, or give it to any other girl. It was your ring, and one day I kinda knew it would be yours officially one day. I think that's why I kept it so long... because it was my sign of hope." "I love you so much Lindsey Buckingham." "I love you to Stephanie Lynn Nicks." "Forever." "Forever."

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