New Members of the Squidbeak Splatoon

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~Meanwhile At Cephalon HQ~

"Oh, Octavioooooooooo!" The Octoling girl called out, rushing up to the Octarian general with Mr.L behind her.

They were in a very large, dark cave. The only lights coming from some neon materials and blowtorches. There were Octarians working on something BIG, and Octavio was overseeing its production with the brainwashed Callie at his side.

"You are to address me as General Octavio OR DJ Octavio!" He shouted back, "What do you want?"

"I am VERY happy to report, that the experiment was a SUCCESS!" She announced.

"Is that all?" He scoffed.

"No no no, I have something BETTER!" She replied.

The Octoling girl pointed behind her to a large eel-like creature known as the Great Zapfish.

"But wait! There's MORE!" The Octoling squealed.

"Of course there's more..." Callie muttered.

"This clone, called Mr.L, is worth about 10 of those Zapfish!" She stated.

Octavio scoffed.

"And how is that?" Octavio questioned.

The Octoling girl turned to Mr.L.

"You know what to do." She chuckled.

Mr.L nodded and then got into a fighting stance. He activated his Thunderhand, making green electricity race down his arms. Octavio and Callie stood there gawking at the sight. Even some of the worker Octarians stopped to look at him.

Electricity was a very valuable and scarce resource to both Inklings and Octarians. It was one of the main conflicts caused during the Great Turf War!

"He can do this at will?" Octavio asked.

The Octoling scientist nodded triumphantly. Octavio grinned.

"Good... Then it appears we do not need your assistance anymore." He stated.

Octavio motioned at some Octoling guards and they immediately drew their weapons. The Octoling scientist's smile turned into a frown as she began to back up slowly.

"What is the meaning of this..?" She warily asked.

"You're a crackpot and know too much classified intel on our projects." Octavio stated, "We thought that if you were assigned an impossible project, you would stay doing that until you die. But you even managed to complete THAT! So now you must be splatted."

The Octoling girl chuckled.

"Oh, but you forget." She replied, "I was a first-class Elite Octoling trooper."

"SPLAT HER!" Octavio commanded.

The Octoling threw off her lab coat, revealing Octoling armor underneath. She drew an Octo Shot and threw a bomb at the Octarians surrounding her. The bomb inksploded, causing the group to scatter. The Octoling girl shrank down into her Octopus form and super jumped away.

"Cod dang it!" Octavio shouted, "Now she's loose. No matter. I have a new instrument of destruction."

~Meanwhile At Octo Canyon~

A few moments later, Luigi and Dimentio emerged from the grate. They looked around for only a few minutes and Dimentio was immediately greeted by a sniper pointed at his head. He paled as he stared down the weapon.

"Octarian scum. How did you make it out of Octo Canyon?" The mystery lady demanded.

Before Dimentio even said anything, Luigi came between him and the weapon.

Super Paper SPLATOON! (DimentioXMr.L)Where stories live. Discover now