Unwanted Confrontation

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"We have no time to lose! Come now, Luigi!" Dimentio exclaimed.

Luigi sighed.

"Hold on. I need a little assistance first, please." Drip requested, "And I think that Dimentio over here would be best equipped to aid me."

"What?! Why me?!" Dimentio questioned.

"Because Octarians are naturally good with tech. And you appear to be an Octoling at the moment." Drip chuckled, "Plus, I kinda got you on the ropes if you don't want me saying anything."

"Very well..." Dimentio sighed. 

He walked over to the machine that Drip was working on.

"I'll just go upgrade my weapon," Luigi said.

Luigi walked over to the Ammo Knights upgrade crate and Drip started fumbling around with the time machine.

"So what do you need me for?" Dimentio asked.

"Just, give me a DNA sample," Drip said while tightening some bolts, "I need some of your magic to get this thing running on such short notice. Soooo... an ink sample should do."

Dimentio nodded and then took off his ink tank. He undid the lid and held it out.

"Is this fine?" Dimentio asked.

Drip shook her head 'yes' and snatched the tank from him. She slipped the container into a previously hidden section of the machine and then started hooking up Zapfish. Luigi walked over with a now fully upgraded Hero Shot.

"What's going on?" Luigi questioned.

Drip hooked up the last Zapfish needed and then stood back with a controller in her hands.

"Ah-ha hahaha, stand back and watch the magic~!" Drip laughed.

She pushed a button on the remote and fans whirred to life. Lights flashed and the Zapfish all squeaked as if they were being tickled. A few more moments and a portal opened up.

"Yeeeeeeeees! It worked! AGAIN! I'm a DOUBLE genius now!" Drip exclaimed.

"Good. So now we just need to get Mr.L and we can go home?" Luigi asked.

"Ya-huh!" Drip replied.

Luigi grabbed Dimentio by the arm and went into his squid form, preparing to super jump.

"We're almost able to go home!" Luigi cheered.

"You know that I can just teleport us, correct?" Dimentio questioned.

"But this way is fun! C'mon!" Luigi exclaimed.

Dimentio hesitated but let out a sigh. He went into his octopus form.

"Fine. You win~!" Dimentio stated.

They both super jumped to the last section, Cephalon HQ.


Dimentio and Luigi landed on their feet and took in their surroundings. The final section. It was finally getting dark out. To think that they had done all of this in a day!

"Alright. Didn't Drip say that she took all of the Zapfish here?" Luigi asked.

"Yes." Dimentio stated, "So the final boss kettle should be-"

A shot of ink flew past Dimentio's head, which he narrowly dodged. Dimentio brandished his charger and spun around.

"Who do you think you're..." Dimentio trailed off.

In front of them stood Mr.L, and he definitely looked different. He had on hypnoshades over his mask, tentacles, no bandana, spiky collar, spiked belt, and his jumpsuit was all cut up! Plus, he was pointing Hero Dualies at them.

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