Three Faced Cube

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Dimentio's POV:

I arrived at the artificial battle place and noticed the difference with this one. It was a grey color with dull lighting and some other lights that imitated snowfall. I looked down to see that I had been given the Hero Dualies.

"Eh, better than the bucket," I muttered.

"Good! Because I need more data on it." Sheldon chirped.

"You ALWAYS need more data!" I retorted.

This seemed to shut him up because he hung up his line. I hopped onto the launchpad and shot over to the main platform. The magenta-colored puddle of ink with the Zapfish dangling above was in front of me, the same as before. The tentacle with the scar slowly rose from the ink and then grabbed hold of the unsuspecting Zapfish. It was dragged under and sparks flew. Another beacon of light shone from the ink mass and a new Octoboss began to emerge.

"What is that? I can't see any features. Just a... cube." Luigi said.

The light dispersed and in its place stood a cube with a face. It let out a screech.



The giant cube paced on tiny legs and then charged me at a fast speed. I quickly sprinted away as it banked off the edge.

"Wait, I know this guy! It's Octostomp!" Marie exclaimed.

"What do you mean 'know him'?!" Luigi questioned.

The Octostomp slammed down on its face, leaving its sides vulnerable to be inked.

"Octostomp? But didn't Agent 3 take him down years ago?" Sheldon asked.

"Ooh, Agent 3? I would like to meet them!" Luigi exclaimed.

"We can do a meet and greet later, Luigi," I said.

I inked up the side of it and swam up.

"I guess he's back for more." Marie stated, "You got this, Agent 5!"

I shot the tentacle enough times and it inksploded. I super jumped away as ink spewed from its back.

"Ha! That was EASY! Like bringing a knife through butter." I mused.

"Don't jinx yourself..." Luigi murmured.

The Octostomp righted itself and its tentacle regenerated. Out of nowhere, it became covered with... a coat? A strap ran around it to its front side and a buckle covered its nose. With that thing on, I won't be able to ink its sides. It let out another screech as all of the ink fled the battlefield.

And I brought this sweet new coat!

Neo Octostomp

Out of the top of its head, an Octarian popped out with a splatling gun. I stood just out of range as it fired at me.

"Gotta hand it to these Octarians. They sure do know how to go big." Marie said.

I ducked and dodged until I got extremely close to it. I fired at the little buckle on its nose. It must have noticed what I was doing because it tried to face slam down onto me.

"Whoa! Not that close!" I shouted.

I dodge rolled to the side and then the Octo stomp stood up again. I shot at the buckle again and it popped off!

"Nice work! You can ink his body now!" Marie exclaimed.

"Just like before!" Luigi stated.

I nodded and held my weapons at the ready. The Octostomp jumped back and then charged at me. I dodge rolled to the side and the Octostomp slammed onto the floor. I inked its side and clambered up. A few shots of ink and the tentacle inksploded! I super jumped off of it and to the adjacent side of the arena.

Super Paper SPLATOON! (DimentioXMr.L)Where stories live. Discover now