The Sanitized

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AN: There's a pic with the music above btw


Mr.L and Blumiere huffed and puffed as they ran into the train. Mr.L banged on the door to the front car.


"Alright, alright!" C.Q. Cumber replied.

The door shut and the train started down the tracks, slowly picking up speed. Mr.L and Blumiere breathed heavily as they slumped onto benches.

"What WERE those things?!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"They were Octolings! But... Not Octolings..?" Blumiere replied warily.

The inner door opened up and C.Q. Cumber groggily trudged out. Blumiere and Mr.L assumed this grogginess was from whatever tests were conducted on him.

"Excuse me, but you are disturbing the cabin." C.Q. Cumber stated.

"Hey, what were those weirdly colored Octolings?!" Mr.L asked, ignoring the sea pickle's statement.

"And why did they attack us?!" Blumiere added.

C.Q. Cumber paused.

"I'm... Not allowed to tell you the full story..." He replied, "But, I can share some."

He waddled over and took Mr.L's CQ device.

"HEY!" Mr.L exclaimed.

C.Q. Cumber ignored him as he pressed a few buttons on the machine. He turned it off and then returned it.

"I hacked into it so you could go to a station. If my boss asks, say you hacked it." C.Q. Cumber stated.

C.Q. Cumber waddled off back into the lead car, the door closing behind him. They looked at the device's chosen destination and it was called the 'Cool Your Jets' station.

"What station could that be?" Mr.L questioned.

After several minutes of waiting, the train ground to a halt. The door slid open with a hiss. Blumiere and Mr.L got up and went inside. Their devices buzzed on.

"Sorry 10,009 and 10,010, but this is a solo station." C.Q. stated, "Only one goes in."

Their devices buzzed off.

"Guess I'm going." Mr.L said with a shrug.

"Are you certain?" Blumiere asked.

"Yeah..." Mr.L replied.

Blumiere watched as he stepped up to the platform to choose his weapon.

Mr.L's POV:

I stepped onto the hub thing and saw only one option for a weapon. An Inkjet. It looked like a jet pack, but with ink instead of fire and a blaster on it. I chose it and then stepped up to the turnstile.

"Wish me luck..." I muttered to Blumiere.

I swiped my card and I was rocketed to the starting checkpoint. The place looked similar to the boss kettles back in Octo Canyon. It was almost entirely identical, except for the plugs and valves everywhere. 

My Inkjet activated instantly and I was now flying above the ground! I backed up a little and then lept towards the large platform in front of me. I landed and got a good look around. There were pillars everywhere and a large one in the center. But in front of me was a very large puddle of teal ink.

Electricity started surging from the ink.

"Oh boy..." I murmured.

Sparks flew until a bright beam of light shone from the pool. I shielded my eyes as three flying silhouettes emerged with something chained to them. They pulled it out completely and it looked like some form of Octoboss! The thing let out a screech as the light dissipated.

Super Paper SPLATOON! (DimentioXMr.L)Where stories live. Discover now