Beaker's Depot

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All three of them could hear the familiar buzz of a socket shorting out.

"Come on, Dimentio! We're getting so close!" Luigi exclaimed, taking him by the arm.

Dimentio turned to Marie.

"The second you get ANY information about that radio channel, YOU WILL TELL ME," Dimentio stated.

Marie held her hands up.

"Whatever makes ya happy, 5," Marie replied.

Dimentio cast her a glare and then he and Luigi super jumped off back to Suction-Cup Lookout. They touched down on the platform and could see that the wires preventing them from reaching the next area were gone. The two of them went into the launchpad and super jumped over to Beaker's Depot.

It was definitely shaped differently than the previous section, with more obstacles around, but there were still six Zapfish to save.

"Soooooo... Split up and get to work?" Luigi asked.

"Sounds about right," Dimentio replied, "I'll take the kettles on the left, you take the ones on the right."

Luigi nodded and they both ran off to their designated kettle.


Dimentio's POV:

I arrived at the first stage of Beaker's Depot. But I didn't have my charger with me... A small drone flew in and passed me two small shooters, Hero Dualies.

"I could REALLY use some more data on this weapon." Sheldon told me, "Could you use it for a bit?"

I sighed.

"Do I really have a choice?" I asked.

He hung up on me.

"I'll take that as a nooo..." I muttered.

Directly in front of me was a launchpad. I melted into my octopus form and super jumped to the first section. I was greeted by a wall of boxes in front of me. I pushed down the triggers and was not prepared for how fast it shot ink and ended up splatting an Octarian on the other side.

"Oops," I said to myself.

I swam up to the wall ahead and jumped up into a speed boost, launching me onto the higher section. In front of me was an extremely long, wide, twisting platform. In the blink of an eye, a smallish Octarian that appeared to have a hardhat took off running down the platform.

"A Tentakook!" Marie exclaimed, "After it!"

"Why?" I asked.

"It has a key!" Marie replied.

I charged after it, firing my dualies. It noticed me and threw a splat bomb behind itself. I octo jumped over it and splatted the Tentakook. It dropped a key and I realized I was now standing in front of a vault.

"Led me right to it! Ha!" I laughed.

I unlocked the vault and used the launchpad to jump to the next area over. I looked ahead and saw even MORE Tentakooks! At least it was a wider platform this time. They all took off running and I began to give chase.

"Running just makes us want to chase you more, you know!" Marie shouted.

I chased them up and down small artificial hills and eventually got the key after splatting the last one.

"Got 'em," Marie said, "Y'know, you're good at chasing those things down, 5."

I chuckled as I used the key to activate the vault, revealing a launchpad which I used to get to the next section. This time there was a circle with a platform in the center. I splatted the Octarians below and then swam to the pillar in the center of the ring. There were about four Tentakooks.

Super Paper SPLATOON! (DimentioXMr.L)Where stories live. Discover now