Tartar In Da House!

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Third Person POV:

The elevator stopped and everyone turned to see a long ladder leading upward.

"Do you think that leads to the surface?" Timpani wondered out loud.

Dimentio stepped up to the ladder.

"This... Is the way out." Dimentio stated.

Mr.L walked up and grabbed ahold of the first rung.

"Let's all get out of here." Mr.L said.


Everyone now stood at the top of the ladder. The sun was just setting off in the distance, the wind billowing into their faces. The platform they were on oversaw the ocean, giving them a perfect view of the far-off city.

"Inkopolis..." Dimentio murmured.

They all stared at the view in wonder.

"It looks so beautiful..." Timpani replied.

"And the city looks so sparkly..." Mimi cheered.

All of a sudden, they could hear some music accompanied by the sound of helicopter fans.

"What's that noise..?" Luigi asked.

Just then, Dimentio's CQ-80 device turned on.

"Eight!" A girl's voice exclaimed through the device.

They all turned their heads to see some helicopters flying in! And on the lead helicopter was not only the Squid Sisters but also Off the Hook! Pearl, Marina, Callie, and Marie were all standing in the interior of the chopper.

"I told you that Eight's CQ device was back online!" Marina cheered.

"They're down there!" Callie exclaimed.

"Fly in close!" Marie said.

"WE GOT YOU!" Pearl shouted into a microphone.

The helicopters all turned in their direction as they all cheered, waving their hands.

"Callie! Marie!" Luigi exclaimed.

"Agents 1 and 2!" Mario shouted.

The helicopter touched down on the platform.

"Agents 3 and 4!" Callie exclaimed, "We found you!"

"Where's Agent 5? Did you find him?" Marie asked.

"And Eight! We heard that Eight was here!" Pearl added.

Marina's eyes went wide.

"Who's that Sanitized Octoling?" Marina asked.

Dimentio instinctively grabbed Mr.L's hand and Mr.L stepped in front of him.

"It's Dimentio, er... You know him as Agent 5 and 8." Mr.L stated, "He was blended..."

All four of the Inkling popstars couldn't help but gasp.

"That's awful..." Marina murmured.

"That must have hurt bad!" Callie said as she shuddered.

"How are you alive?!" Pearl questioned.

"Call it luck or a curse... I don't know." Dimentio sighed.

They nodded solemnly.

"Well, hop in!" Callie exclaimed.

"We're gonna take y'all back to Inkopolis!" Pearl stated.

"YAY! Let's get going!" Mimi cheered, already hopping in.

Blumiere chuckled as he followed the little green girl, Timpani beside him. O'Chunks clambered on.

Super Paper SPLATOON! (DimentioXMr.L)Where stories live. Discover now