Notes, Notes, and More Notes!

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Last time on In Love with a Killer:

Then we could talk to each other without having to actually meet, since he seems to be a bit... shy. Alright it's settled then, I'll write him a letter about my plan and if he agrees then we'll, yay. It'll be so great, but he has to agree... I really hope he does...

Chapter Nine: Notes, Notes, and More Notes!

So Yugi got started on writing his note right away:

Dear Nameless Pharaoh,

I know this is probably weird, me writing you a note, but I wanted to see what you would do. I was wondering if this could be how we can communicate with each other, that is if you decide to write back. I would understand if you don't want to, maybe you just wanna protect me and leave it at that. You might not want to talk to me, and that's totally okay. I'm just fine with that, but if you do decide to go along with my plan then I want to ask you a few questions.

These questions are obviously optional so if you don't want to answer one, you don't have to. Anyway, my first question is: Why exactly did you decide to protect me? Second: What did you mean in that first note you sent me, you know the part about your family? Finally: What is your name? I'm very curious about all these things, I really hope you'll write back and answer at least one of them. Oh, and one more thing. I knew you weren't some secret admirer ;).

Signed curiously,
Your Little One

Once he finished he stuck the note on the fridge and left the kitchen to take a shower. When he arrived at the bathroom, he turned on the showerhead to a nice, warm temperature. He then stripped from his clothing and got in, allowing the water to cascade down his body. Meanwhile, our little killer was making his entrance through the window of the kitchen. Seeing things in the ordinary, he was about to go to look into the other room until something caught his eye.

He looked to his left to see a note addressed to him stuck on the fridge. He also saw that it was from his Little One, odd since it was usually him giving the letters to the teen. Either way though, he still took it off and began to read. After he read the note he was a little shocked, he didn't quite except that Yugi would want to talk to him. But whatever, he still wrote a note back:

Dear Little One,

I like your idea of "communicating" with notes, and yes I will play along. I'm also here to answer one of your questions, the first one. The second one I may tell you if I learn to trust you a bit more, and the third I can unfortunately never tell you. No matter how much I might trust you, I can't make that mistake... not again. Anyway, to answer your first question, it's because I feel I owe you. I had taken away your last bit of family and your last hope of surviving, for you are too young to live on your own.

Signed with a debt,
The Nameless Pharaoh

He then stuck the note he wrote next to the one his Little One wrote, and left the kitchen into the living room. He looked all around the house for anything strange, or potentially harmful to his Little One. Once he was satisfied, he decided to do a little something for the teen. He took out a small and shiny golden box with mysterious symbols all around it. He placed it on his Little One's desk and left out the window, making sure to close it behind him. Just then, the showerhead was turned off.

Yugi had then stepped out and wrapped one towel around his waist, and another he was using to dry his hair. He went into his room and the first thing he saw was the strange box. It was golden with what appeared to be hieroglyphics all around the outside. He cautiously approached the box and with unsure hands he lifted the lid of it. The young boy then had to shield his eyes as a bright light had emitted from whatever was inside. When the light had dimmed, Yugi took a peek at the contents and...

Well words could not quite describe what he saw, but he'll definitely try to explain. There were pieces to a puzzle inside, every one golden and shiny. He reached out and grabbed one out the box, but not before inspecting the entire thing. He gripped the small piece in his hand and felt a kind of warmth be exerted into his hand from the object. And when he put the piece back, he felt the warmth leave. Before he did anything else with it, he got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen.

There, he saw another note next to the one he wrote. He took the note off the fridge door and began to read it. He was a little disappointed, but was still happy that Yami, once again whose name is unknown to Yugi, will be writing to him as well. He then wondered what he should write next, maybe some more questions? Something like, who sent him that box? Although he was getting pretty tired, so he just decided to sleep on it...

What will happen next? What will Yugi write? Why can't Yami tell Yugi his name? What happened in his past that apparently prevents this?

Find out in the next chapter of In Love with a Killer: A "Fun Day"

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