Chapter 10❄️

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A/N: Any pictures, videos or gifs do not belong to me.
Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and Bnha belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.
(what Kakashi is wearing is above)(he's wearing his ninja gear under)


Time skip

It's been months since Kakashi has joined the league as he has to say it been experience.

Kakashi was generally behind the bar. Making drinks and serving them.
He was back up and he had no problem with it.

Slightly irritating because of the new league members pestering him to take off his mask.

They were all so annoying.

He got used to hearing random people talk about their troubles to him while drinking away their sorrows.

So when someone unfamiliar walked into the bar and requested a drink it wasn't all that exciting.

Just his usual job.

The only dilemma is that Shigaraki decided to mess with him and brought in recruits without informing him.

Normally he's fine about anything but one of the rookies just pushed his buttons when they ordered him to get him a drink.

No please, no ifs, no actual order.

They even dared to touch him with their disgusting hands.

Normally if someone touched him without asking their hand would be gone.

Now that he's in a group with superiors. He can't do that.

It would mean insubordination.

He knows that all too well after all he is used to breaking the rules.

Breaking the restrictions they have placed upon him would call for a beating to get him to know his place.

He knows how the mind of Shigaraki's works.

His mind functions like a child.

Something is wrong, fix it. By any means fix it.
Even if it hurts people...even if it kills them.

The problem must be fixed.

Establishing rules is a simple method of inaugurating submission in your followers.

That's why he can't break them.

Dabi, Toga, Muscular, Mustard, Spinner and Magne.

Those were all the rookies. Each different in their own way, whether it be that some have different quirks or looks or backgrounds.

The only recruit he can tolerate is Dabi.He seems like a cute kid.

Sure he's rude and has no sense of respect.
But he's cute...the kids got spunk.

People may think that Dabi is irrational.

He knows that is not true.
He can see the analytical way he glances at his tasks before doing them.

He has a plan.

Dabi was troubled.
Why did he have this gut feeling that Kakashi was much more dangerous than he appeared?

He always seemed to have this suffocating aura surrounding him when someone either asked him something personal or to take off his mask.

The pressure of his presence would usually spiral out of control when it was on the topic of his mask.
(he guesses it's a sensitive topic.)

Yet the man was always kind to him.
Maybe it was because he didn't ask any questions about his circumstances.

He usually didn't even ask the man anything.

He usually just sat down in a chair, while the other showered him with drinks.
He said it was because he was adorable.

He doesn't believe him at all.
He has been called all sorts of nasty words, hell even he knew he was ugly.

Yet someone called him adorable, cute and showered him with drinks.

He felt the sincerity in the words but could still not believe it.

Why did Kakashi like him, This was the question he's asked himself thousands of times?

Even though he was cautious of him, he couldn't help but let down his walls to him.
He was willing for Kakashi to be a prominent figure in his life.
Dabi thinks of Kakashi as a friend.

Whether it just be them enjoying the presence of each other in silence or sharing a drink.

They always appreciated the presence of each other.

Even though Dabi was reluctant to allow this seemingly harmless man into his life.

He allowed himself to lower his guard.


Kakashi was unusual.
He always disappeared when they discussed a plan or when someone or something problematic occurs.

Yet he always knew where we were.

It was frightening how he knew all the league's scheme.

Yet he hasn't once been told about it.

It was odd how he knew what we were planning before we even told him.

He was mysterious.


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