Bye-bye 🦄🚘🐎

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To any editors who edited anything on my book: DO NOT WORRY!
For I am not taking this book down for this sole reason. If you want to apply to be an editor somewhere on Wattpad and need to state what you edited, it's still there on this book 💀👍🏾. If you also need a review or something along the line of that PM me.

To Readers:

I've decided to discontinue this book. This time for good. There might be a revamped version in the future but as of now, I don't feel satisfied with the way I wrote this. Now, before you jump in joy💀💀💀( cause the way I wrote the unedited chapters( the ones I edit by myself) is bad💀💀💀)

I am writing other things💀👍🏾.
I have a lottttt of books that are in my drafts💀.
So this won't be the last time you see me!🙂🌼💀

Finished writing a one-shot today.🎉🦋🚘beep beep.
And have many chapters that are being written for different books.
I am going to post the one-shot this year( it was supposed to be posted on Halloween💀💀💀.)
And some of the others hopefully this year.

Side note: I am writing original stories cause I think it's better to do that before writing a fanfiction. Cause writing fanfictions is HARD, especially if you're not using OC's and instead characters from shows/anime. ( Basically what I did💀)

Your character has to act however they act in their show/anime. Unless it's unintentional like some of the dark! harry potter fanfics💀👋🏾. I tend to struggle with writing Kakashi💀 and I didn't want to ruin Kakashi💀 cause I can bet you I would never in my life watch Naruto again.😂😂👋🏾

Also, remember when I asked you guys what other type of fanfics you wanted to see.
Well, I'm still working on that!
The only thing that is going the be updated is the anime recommendations page.

Yeah, that's it...

Anyways, ciao!
-Your friendly author who is done with exams👍🏾💀💜.

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