Chapter 4⛄

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[If you recognize any art that belongs to someone, please contact me so I can add the credits.]
Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and Bnha belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.

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Without further ado, continue reading.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Kakashi was not likening how he had to blend into the dress codes of this society.
He considered choosing different clothing to fit in, ultimately deciding to stay in his ninja-yoroi, throwing away his mask was not an option.
Which is where the option of genjutsu came into play.

He didn't use it all the time.
Just 99% of the time.


To be a ninja was exhausting but it taught him useful skills, like escaping detection by reducing his visibility and noisiness. ( which is what we call " stealth skills.)

He could maintain his stealth instead of using genjutsu but being cautious has saved his life many times. ( rather safe than sorry.)


When Kakashi had extra stamina to spare and training harder was not working he usually spared with his fellow ninja in Konoha but seeing as he's no longer in Konoha not even in the elemental nations, rather in a completely different world, he could not do that.

He instead chose to go on daily walks, each leading to a different place each time.

Kakashi supposed he's gotten some extra entertainment since going on these walks. Some are more amusing than others like the one he's watching from a distance. A villain attack on 2 males who looked similar to high school students with the uniform, getting hit and shoved around by a black blob.

Well- that was none of his business -he refused to interfere as interfering would probably bring more trouble than it's worth. Surely these heroes would save them.

He's retired (well- sort of.) why should he have to play ninja for someone out of his village?

Maybe this will be an example to this world that you can't save everyone. That no one will save them except for themselves, maybe this would lead to them becoming more self-reliant. This is a new world meaning that there are dozens if not millions of rules that differ from Konoha, who knows maybe saving them would get him arrested.

The reliance these civilians had towards heroes was astoundingly unhealthy while their animosity towards villains/people who have a quirk fitting of a villain was bewildering.
( not all villains truly have a heart made out of steel some are made of paper, easily crush able-in other words, not all villains are as bad as they are shown to be.)
( He truly thinks that the people of this world don't know how hatred can easily stem from anything living. )

On that note, Kakashi has found that quirks are a phenomenon that he'd much appreciate staying away from.
Most were absolutely useless in most situations and that has to mean something, as Kakashi grew up during the 3rd shinobi war, where even the most skilled warriors could be taken out by a simple water trick. He's seen people with the most useless skills put them to use somehow.

He knew that the great era of heroes would soon end and it would all be the cause of the people who they so graciously protect. Villains may become the new heroes if enough people came out with their sob stories of how the heroes weren't quick enough to save them/ someone close to them.
Being a hero or a villain is just a passing trend.


Apparently, this farce of a villain attack is "so dangerous" that they need to wait for heroes with the "perfect quirk" to help those children.

Why do you even need a quirk to help someone? With or without a quirk you are still capable of saving lives so why is it that quirkless people are bullied for all their life? The rate of quirkless to quirked is already screwed up. Bullying could cause victims to claim their lives or in some cases, they go rogue ( like a very watered down nuke-nin) and murder those who have harmed them.

Kids involved in villain attacks would usually be focused on saving themselves, not worried about other peoples health meanwhile their own health was rapidly he was slightly curious as to why they would save someone who most likely looked down on them like.

This world chose that they wanted to see a world filled with heroes and villains.
So do not blame bystanders who turn their backs on you when they could easily have prevented the pain you have gone through. Even if they could've helped or wanted to they can't because of the system put in place to stop them from using their quirks.

Not that humans would do something so selfless when there's no benefit on their end, it would be extraordinary to find a human whose heart had not been tainted by the world yet.

Almost impossible to meet a person similar to his descriptions.

Although Naruto was close to it he was soon after infected by the disease that comes with being a shinobi.
You can't be pure and be a shinobi.

It just doesn't work like that.


(Konoha)Konohagakure (木ノ葉隠れの里, Konohagakure no Sato, Literally meaning: Village Hidden by Tree Leaves) is the hidden village of the Land of Fire

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(Konoha)Konohagakure (木ノ葉隠れの里, Konohagakure no Sato, Literally meaning: Village Hidden by Tree Leaves) is the hidden village of the Land of Fire.

A Quirk (個こ性せい, Kosei), formerly known as a Meta Ability (異い能のう, "Extraordinary Ability"), is a superhuman ability that a person can possess.

{ took a while to edit this, sorry for the long wait.)
( is self-edit so any mistakes are my own :)

-I am aware that there are grammar issues. I might not be able to see them but you might, so please point them out.

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