🩸10.Mixed Feelings🥀

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" Mixed feelings are like mixed drinks...
Where souls and hearts gets binds up inside the strange decisions of Destiny...."

Inside the Emperor's chamber was the plan being formed to kill his own sons, how cruel and pathetic a father can be ? Just because his other wife's doesn't exist he can't treat his sons like that. But Namjoon did that he only cared about his crown Prince Baekhyun the most adoring son of his Empress Jin. "Father I'm really not in the mood to fight with your dog of sons, its better to just poison them" Baekhyun said drinking the wine and lazing out on the couch.

"But how will we poison them son ? Haven't you seen how differently they have changed, its too risky for us to trap them" Namjoon said while going through the old manuscripts and sealing few orders with Emperor's royal seal stamping it.

"You can trust on me with that honey, all we need to do is arrange the royal hunt invite people and poison their weapons. Poisoning food is really a bad option, both of them will surely sense it and can cause lots of trouble" Jin said while the father and the son agreed with him.

"About that I will order my men to bring special kind of rare poison from the secret mountain valleys. We will apply it on their weapons during hunt and just a mere touch is enough for that poision to work and it will destroy the persons whole body killing them on spot whoever touches it" Namjoon said hearing this Baekhyun had a smirk plastered in his face eager to kill his brothers.

"But honey those two jerks have been so sharp witted lately won't they feel strange regarding the poison, I'm sure they will feel it" Jin said placing his hand under his chin and had a worried look over his face.

"Its a very rare kind of poison, with no antidode for it to cure the person. It is colorless and has no smell so there's not even a slightest bit of chance for anyone to find out about it. Just one touch and it will burn the insides of the person's body" Namjoon said clearing Jin's doubt about their plan.

Later that night the announcement was sent to everyone isnde and outside the palace regarding the royal hunt, where all the princes irrespective of their genders need to show their talent with their skills. Many other royals and princes were invited even from the other kingdom's. Jimin and Jungkook are the type of persons who loves power and they loved the fact to create fear around people whenever they were around and this hunt seemed a perfect opportunity for that, also it was the best way to try and explore something new & entertaining at the same time. So Prince Jungkook and Prince Jimin were present at the event which was about to take place inside the huge massive Imperial Arena.

During the Hunt :

There were two rounds the first one was archery where the participants need to shoot the flying birds in the open sky which was very difficult as they bird could easily fly anywhere. Jimin saw Prince Jungkook was ready beside him again unfortunately they had to stand beside each other. All the participants had a bow and arrows placed infront of them on the small table, while they were standing. Jimin was about to touch the bow thats when he sensed something was wrong. Being the vampire king the ruler of the entire Vapure realm who was the controller of all the dark powers, his witch side opposed him to hold it. He sensed that the weapon was poisoned his extra sensitive smelling worked as Vampires could easily smell compared to humans even though the poison had no smell, Jimin was able to easily know about it.

Jimin didn't touched the weapon and he saw Jungkook was about to touch, he had a smirk plastered over his face his enemy was about to die. He couldn't be more happier seeing Jungkook getting poisoned to death. But a part of Jimin's heart twisted he felt guilty like he didn't want to see that. Why was Jimin feeling this when he clearly wanted to kill Jungkook right from the very beginning, there won't be any obstacles for him to asend the throne if Jungkook dies then why was he feeling that ? But their hatred took over him and Jimin decided to not confuse himself. Jungkook was going to die and that's what he needed right ?

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