🩸15. Hidden Truths🥀

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"Truth is hidden, but nothing is more beautiful than the truth itself sometimes....."

The night breeze was serenely flowing with the moon light washing away the ugliness of every single thing and making it heavenly beautiful.

The royal garden was peaceful with numerous beautiful flowers swaying in their way and the fireflies adventuring here to there.

Two Alphas were tangled in each other's arms as they unconsciously laid over the grass. They looked contented with their presence and touch but the moment they'll wake up.... it'll be so much different. The calmness and the silence will vanish in thin air to a chaotic heated mess.

The blood thirsty gorgeous man was first to wake up because of his urgent needs of hunger. His eyes shot opened widely when his gaze fell upon the creature who held the most divine and the most alluring blood in his body. Driving Jimin insane just to have a taste of that luscious blood.

"What the fuck was that damn ! This shitty Gguk always takes control and I just couldn't fucking stop it. I'm seriously so done with this fucking shit !" Jungkook roared already pissed of and was rubbing his forehead.

"Prin-prince Jungk-ook.... aaahhh" Jimin was panting heavily he was on the verge of going unconscious due to the numerous days he didn't fed himself on blood. He was growing weak, his hand  reached out to Jungkook who was looking at him with a shocked expression in his eyes.  Jungkook didn't knew why he felt the urge to help Jimin, infact when he never cared about anyone. Never gave a shit about anyone he couldn't proceed how unknowingly his own hand moved to hold Jimin.

"Jimin what's wrong with you ? What's  happening ?" Jungkook asked him with his stern voice but his heart was beating rapidly seeing Jimin like that being in helpless state. "Blood.... blood I... I need..." Jimin voiced out his chest heaving up and down. The Alpha werewolf and his Vampiric side was taking toll on Jimin's body. Ofcourse Jimin was immortal but he needed blood to maintain his energy and powers.

"Blood..... what Blood Jimin ? What is it ?" Jungkook looked straight through Jimin's eyes and he could clealry see the pain and discomfort Jimin was feeling right now.

"I need your blood... just don't ask me anything. I... I really want your... your blood Jungkook" Jimin said with so much pain in his voice and hearing this the Mafia king felt weird. Why was the elder asking him about blood and that too particular Jungkook didn't understand why Jimin was asking his blood. Jungkook couldn't pin point why exactly Jimin was asking for his blood. "Jungkook... I can't hold back ! Just give me your damn blood.... now" Jimin's broken voice echoed throughout the garden.

"there's no syringes or something that I can give you my blood...and the hell you'll do with my blood !?" Jungkook shouted again getting confused and before he could proceed anything. He saw Jimin's canine teeth growing and popping out. Jungkook was shocked and lost in his tracks why on earth Jimin's teeth were popping out fucking like that.

"You know what.... I will just take it.... I seriously... I can't hold back anymore" Jimin said and pulled Jungkook's hand to himself, his grip was strong and within a flash of seconds Jimin sanked his fangs on Jungkook's wrist. Jungkook was utterly confused first it was new hell it never happened before, he never saw anyone drinking blood like that. Second he didn't felt any sort of pain when Jimin's teeth clearly tore his skin apart and Jimin was sucking his blood continuously, there wasn't any slight trace of pain. Third Jungkook hated it when someone touched him yet he was unable to shove Jimin away from him. He couldn't push Jimin off infact he just stood there looking at Jimin being confused. What on earth was Jimin ? actually no Jungkook wasn't feeling scared at all, ofcourse the Mafia king wasn't scared of anything but the question is why he couldn't shun off Jimin ? Why did he allowed Jimin to suck his blood from his body. Where was the hate Jungkook had when someone steps into his personal space. Where was the irritation he always had when someone goes against him, where was the anger he had infront of this unknown ethereal & mysterious creature. Jungkook couldn't snatch his hand away from Jimin's mouth no matter how much he tried he was unable to do it. It was just the game played by the destiny which brought the two odds together making them even with each others presence. No matter how strong of a monstrous devil Jeon Jungkook was he couldn't stop the destiny. We can't change what has been already destined and that's what was happening with these two.

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