🩸12. Arrow of suspicion 🥀

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" It's quite dangerous when the arrow of suspicion hits the devils by each other.."

Jimin was skillfully following Jungkook, keeping a safe distance cause he could easily feel the cautiousness in Jungkook's every step. To be true he still couldn't believe how Jungkook had a very sharp instinct and unfazed aura. It was impossible for someone from this old time and a normal human. Despite being the prince, Jimin knew well that prince Jungkook and Jimin were never treated like one. After he saw how despised Jungkook actually was by the kingdom people and even by the royal family, he was more suspicious about Jungkook's majestic aura. From his years of experience Jimin knew well that a person who were never interested in physical fighting, blood sheds and spit firing verbal intelligence can not turn all rebellious suddenly.

Prince Jimin's diary was a strong prove over it. This Jungkook is far different from how's he described in the diary. Jimin couldn't pin point if Prince Jimin never knew his brother properly because of being dumb or there's something else.

Meanwhile Jimin's eyebrows scrunched up in irritation as he realised where he followed Jungkook. He never knew that his most despised flower will be here as well. Black Rose.
Roses to be exact. Thousands of Black Roses were swaying in the chilly Breeze of night, under the cordial moon light.

" Why is he here ? " Jimin asked himself as his eyes were boaring holes on Jungkook's back who was walking with slow steps while his hands aimlessly, softly roamed over the Black Roses. Jimin could easily sense Jungkook's calm sandalwood scent, it was relaxed yet strong. To be honest it was mysteriously alluring. King Jimin has always despised the werewolves, they were his number one enimies and he himself is one of them now. Still Jimin couldn't avoid the fact that he has never tasted Something like Jungkook's blood in his entire life...it was something else, Something unexplainable. His tantalizing scent and oddly attractive aura made Jimin think there must be something too important he was missing. It was infront of him but he wasn't being able to understand it.

But now Jimin was displeased by the atmosphere. To be exact he was irritated with the Black Roses. After all he couldn't forget that these flowers were the sole reasons behind this uncalled situation of King Park Jimin. So he decided to do what he was wanting to.

" Prince Jungkook ? " Jimin called with his ascendant dark alpha voice which made the other Alpha halt on his steps and turn back in the speed of light with his reddish golden eyes shining like fireballs in the moonlight.

" Prince Jimin. " Jungkook's monotonous sheering Alpha voice called out the immortal demon's name in a second as Jungkook scanned Jimin up and down with scrutinizing narrowed gaze. He understood Jimin was following him and it made him furious yet he held his calm collected mode cause after all is none other than The Park Jimin.

They held the challenging eyecontact for few seconds before Jimin spoke stepping one step closer towards Jungkook who was trying to understand why he couldn't smell Jimin's attracting Rose and chocolatey scent. It made him more curious as he stared at Jimin with an impenetrable gaze.

" We need to talk. " Jimin said, more like used his ordering voice but once again he knew it won't work on this particular mysterious person.

" So the talk required Prince Jimin to follow me ? I don't relish this sneaky etiquettes of yours Jiminssi . " Jungkook said with a mocking venomous voice while pressuring on the ' Jiminssi ' word more . The entire sentence was enough to create fire balls in Jimin's veins. He knew well that Jungkook was provoking him, wanting him to loose his control but Park Jimin isn't that easy.

" Well, I value important matters more than roaming around like an useless. " Jimin said with a smirk but again Jungkook also knew Jimin will spit back Something like this. That's what Jungkook liked about his prince brother.

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