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It had been about a year since then, and Levi had trusted Erwin enough to prove himself to be an excellent soldier.

You respected him.

But he didn't.


The worst thing is that he was appointed to your squad.

Something about you he didn't like; since that day, he had always showed a bitter side towards you.

Every time you both would make eye-contact, his eyes showed nothing but hatred.

He was still a cadet, yet he had treated you like a worthless being, spitting out names and pushing you around.

What had you done to him to make him act like this?

One time, you both were doing hand to hand combat.

Levi had gone overboard and completely dominated you, throwing you onto the ground, giving you not time to fight back.

Yes, you may have got a good number of punches in, causing blood to trickle from his nose.

However, he was too forceful for your liking.

But he punched and kicked you as hard as he could.

Even dragging you up and slamming your head into a brick wall, causing you to bleed.

You thought you were pathetic.

How could you not fight back when you were the strongest female?

The cold-blooded man showed no remorse as he walked away from your bleeding body causing your respect for a worthless thug like him to disappear.

You were now currently in your sports kit, punching a punching bag in the gym.

Deep breaths filled the room as sweat trickles down from your face.

You punch and punch and punch, as you imagine Levi's face as the bag.

Unexpectedly, the worst possible person, Levi strolls in.

He stopped for a second, eyeing you in disgust as you ignore him.

"Tch" scoffing, he shoved past you going to the dumbbells.

Wanting to escape from the tension, you steadily walk out of the room.

You heard one last thing, making your blood boil.

"If you want to lose weight, maybe stop eating for once looking at you".

You think I'd leave you calling me that...

You swiftly turned on your heel, heavily walking towards Levi, who had his eyebrows raised in a mocking way.

Then, you grabbed his collar, bringing him up to your height. You show no fear and hesitation.

"That is no way to speak to your superior".

"If you just keep that horrible mouth of yours shut then maybe you'd lose a good few pounds" you growled with your e/c eyes piercing into his.

You kept your composure.

Don't falter.

He said nothing a few seconds later, simply lazily looking into your eyes.

Then gradually flicks his eyes to the scar on your neck.

However, you did notice a slight twitch in his steel eyes.

You forcefully pushed him off you and walking out of the room.

Your head held high.

As soon as you walked away from the shorty, you devilishly smirked.

Captain Y/n L/n, you never back down.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now