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Out in the rain and coldness.

You walk through the city of Wall Rose with a crumbled-up piece of paper in your hand, and your uniform and green cape proudly worn.

Sadly, you were not alone, as Levi was ordered to join you.

So it seemed like he was your second in command of the squad.

On your way to the written address, you are to deliver the news of a deceased Cadet to their family.

Gazing at the frosty clouds emitting from your mouth as you breathed, no words were exchanged.

The fellow people passing stared at you in awe; a very rare action for the strongest female to be wondering through the streets.

Scoffing under his breath, Levi did not like the attention.

Now arriving at their front door, you glance back at the paper and then the door number.

Knowing now it's the correct house, you firmly knock with a vacant face.

Ignoring the devil's presence beside you.

A man with slightly grey hair - a tall figure - opened the door.

"Morning. May I ask, are you Mr White?" you said with a more superior tone.

The man's expression turned confused "I very well am, who are you?".

His voice was hard and slightly threatening.

Not enough to threaten you.

Crossing your arms "Your son, Adrien White did not survive our latest expedition to the hands of a titan".

The man froze, faltering in his movements.

"W-what? What you say woman!?"

"Your son is dead" Levi bluntly says, joining in.

You whip you head around to him, giving him a death pan and he returns it.

" cold people..." the man trails on, growling as his face turns into anger.

"Mr White, your son was just not strong enough" you say.

"How dare you speak like that. You give no 'I'm sorry for your loss', nothing! You scout people don't care about anyone! Useless woman, thinking you're so high and mighty!"

You heard a small growl out of Levi's gritted teeth.

And with that the door slammed shut.

You weren't phased, nor did you flinch.

Turning back from the steps, you trot back to HQ.

"We're done for today".

Levi caught up with you, and kept glancing at you in slight disbelief.

Looking at him you say "What's with that look kid?"

He scoffed and murmured things under his breath.

"Show a bit of remorse, will you?" he says.

Your e/c eyes narrowed at you stared at his grey ones.

"You're the one to talk" you spat back.

Looking back and focusing on your walk, you look down at your now muddy shoes.

Hearing the whispers of people as you walk buy.

But soon a rumble was heard.

Then quick footsteps.

An increasing echo of horses trotting.

Louder and louder, it became, causing you to look over your shoulder.

Your eyes growing wide as a carriage was coming straight at you.

"Watch it brat!" you hear.

Before you could quickly run out of the way, you were pushed away instead.

Tch, could have moved out myself.

Opening your eyes, you meet his grey orbs and arms caging you in.

"Now I'm fucking filthy" you both say at the same time.

You stared at each other, but you snapped out of it, pushing Levi off as if he was a fly.

He frowns, then reluctantly handing out a hand to you.

What a fucking gentleman.

Grabbing his hand, he lifts you up.

But then drops you back into the mud.

"Tch, neverminded, get up yourself dirty ass" he says, getting a handkerchief and wiping dirt off his hands.

You couldn't believe it.

Your face full of anger, you hauled yourself up.

"Thanks for getting my cape even dirtier you fucking midget ass" you sneered at him before walking off to HQ.

A fucking customised cape with my name as well.

His eyes twitched as he saw the rips and mud on your cape.

Then proceeded to follow you close behind with his eyes down.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now