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Yes, you were still awake.

Fuck my life.

You darted out of the sheets and your room.

Walking through the halls and into the mess hall.

You turned to the kitchen but immediately froze.

Of course, he just had to be here.

Stirring a brewing tea, Levi turned to you.

Your cheeks slightly burned as you went to make yourself tea.

"Why aren't you asleep?" he asks.

"I could say the same for you" you bluntly say, putting a teabag in your cup.

You felt his presence behind you, so you turned to face him.

You gave him a look 'what?'

His arms slowly reached beside you, holding the counter where your tea is.

What is he doing...?

He noticed the slight blush on your cheeks, which made his do the same.

His stormy eyes pierced through yours "Why aren't you asleep" he almost commands.

"Gosh, don't you ever learn to stop asking questions..." you trailed on.

You felt uncomfortable speaking about the nightmares to others.

Yet with his presence you felt different.

You felt safe but you couldn't say that – he pushed you into danger before.

But you can't help it.

He ignored your comment as his eyes relaxed into a calm matter, then trailed to your tea.

He poured the water from the kettle into your cup – switching his gaze back onto yours - then taking a spoon and started to stir.

Still pinned between his arms.

Still with his mesmerising eyes staring into yours.

So damn hypnotizing.

Those charming locks of raven hair.

That emotion flooded through you again.

Like fluttering butterflies in your stomach.

You silently tried to concentrate your breathing.

He was close to you; it was hard to keep your composure.

Get out.

Get out.

Still with his eyes on yours "Your tea is ready ma'am".

His tone was different.


He never spoke like this towards you.

You turned and took a hold of your tea, taking a sip.

Glancing at Levi, who was also drinking his "...Thanks".

His lips curled the slightest before returning back to his usual expression.

After a few minutes of a comfortable silence.

A thought came up in your mind.

"Levi?" you ask.

Only for you to realise the foreign name on your tongue.

Because that was the first time you have said his name.

He double-glanced at you, as the obvious wideness in his eyes showed from you calling his name.

"How did you get the cape stitched?" you curiously question.

A blush formed on his cheeks – clearing his throat he says "Hange did it. I um- asked her to do it".

You chuckled lightly and nodded.

This was a special moment in time.

You and Levi have never had a civil conversation. Before all you would do was spurt out insults to each other.

The both of you said your good nights and retreated back to your rooms.

For the first time in a while, you feel happy.

However, you never got to know why Levi was up.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now