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music: eyes off you by prettymuch

Side by side walking through the busy streets.

You start to recall when you were last out here with Levi.

Both of you had caused quite a commotion...

You started to chuckle at the thought, causing Levi to look at you.

Looking back at him you wave your hands "It's nothing. I just remembered the last time we were out here".

He quickly looked in front of him with a pursue of his lips.

Then reached an arm out and wrapping it around your waist, bringing you close.

You got a little startled at the sudden action, as you are in public.

"Oh darling, it's just your clumsiness" he says.

You slap his firm chest "I am not clumsy!"

He smiles inwardly.

Of course, you both; the strongest Captain's walking past people caused a lot of gossip, especially with his arm around you.

Entering a boutique store with women's dresses, the door opened with a jingle.


Some time had passed looking at some dresses.

Levi's hand slides through the rack before stopping on a navy dress.

He calls you over and puts it up for you to see.

The dress was a nice wavy knee-length with a small sleeve, then at the waist area was a small tied ribbon to tighten and loosen.

It wasn't too puffy, nor too tight.

It was very beautiful.

Just your style.

Levi lightly smiles are he sees your eyes glint.

"It's stunning" you say, feeling the material.

He lifts your chin up with a finger and says "Not as stunning as you".

You chuckle at the cheesiness.

Levi had bought the dress for you as it was for your birthday.

So then, you started to go back to HQ.

The weather was lovely.

A nice warm breeze flowed, as a small darkness came over causing some lanterns to light up.

The stars uncovered.

You walk with Levi with your arms linked.

Once back, you went to your room.

Levi insisted for you to wear the dress now, so you got changed.

He left the room as he said he needed to get something, and that to meet him at the back of HQ.

You had the dress on, so you gazed at yourself in the mirror.

You never felt more pretty.

It fitted you so well.

You lightly smiled, not believing such happiness could exist in such world.

You styled you hair nicely then took a look at the makeup of yours.

You didn't both covering the scars nor did you like wearing tons of makeup.

Natural is beautiful as they say.

Exiting your room, you start to walk out to where Levi had told you to meet him.

You saw him, sitting on a blanket on a grassy area.

As you walked closer you noticed him wearing his black suit.

Oh my...is this a date?

He heard your footsteps, causing him to turn around showing his crisp cravat.

You do a little twirl, knowing now that you're in this dress, it will make him a mess.

And you were right.

Standing, he brought you closer and slid his arms around your waist.

With a raging blush he didn't bother to cover.

Standing he brought you closer and slid his arms around your waist.

He gazes down at your dress before looking warmly into your eyes.

You wrap your arms around his neck as your cheeks flush - the tip of your fingers brushes his hair strands.

"You are so gorgeous" he says with a kiss on your forehead.

He leads you to sit beside him and brings a long length wooden box in front of you.

You look at him curiously, before slowly lifting up the lid.

"I know how much you love your blades so..."

Yes, I clean them every day.

There were 3 sets of blades stacked neatly.

Bringing one out, your eyes widen in amazement.

On the long sharp edge of the blade, it was painted in gold.

Then on the flat side of the blade, it had your initials neatly carved.

Levi admires your expression.

Looking over at him "Levi, thank you, I love these so much...holy shit".

A small smirk appears on his face.

"How did you get them made?"

He scratches the back of his neck "I got Hange to do it".

You chuckle as you start to think Hange as Levi's mum doing everything for him "I better thank her".

You pack it away, putting it beside you before gazing up at the stars.

You feel Levi's stare on you, so you turn to face him.

He sighs "I just can't take my eyes off you, darling".

"And there's nothing I can do about it" a few second passes and you see a trace of amusement in his eyes.

"...You are so cheeky...humanities coldest huh?" you grin, laying on his chest.

With a rare curve of his soft lips, he lovingly wraps an arm around your waist, his slender fingertips brushing and feathering the material of your dress as he pulls you to his chest.

As you listen to his quickening heartbeat.

You play with his fingers before intertwining with them.

"Thank you for today" you say softly.

"I'm trying my best..." he trails, then carries on.

"But in the end, I'm not good enough for you.

Just me, it-it isn't good enough" he sighs through his nose, irritated at his hopeless stutter.

Lifting his head, his eyes trail to the scars on your neck and cheek.

He traces them with his thumb.

Gazing up at him, you shake your head with passion, squeezing his hand.

"You are good enough; I couldn't have asked anyone more perfect than you" you say, full of emotion you never knew you had.

His blue eyes, so deep full of mysteries, flicker as he mumbles "I'm not perfect".

"In my eyes, you are, my love" you say, caressing his cheeks.

He lays his head onto the grass, the ends of his dark hair touching his eyelashes, as he welcomes the affection.

Warm in your embrace.

Home in your embrace.

You lay there, studying the blinking stars as they stare back down at you.

A sky full of stars and he was staring at her.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now