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Flopping onto your bed is absolute heaven.

The past few days you have been carrying tens of boxes full of blades and gas cannisters.

And now you finally get to relax.

With aching arms, you reach out to your bedside table, opening the first drawer.

Your eye first catches the item – reaching out a hand, you hold it sitting on your bed.

'A dazzling romantic comedy story'.

The book read.

It was what Hange had given you when treating your wounds after that accident.

But now you didn't let it get to you.

Recalling the events that happened the other night, your cheeks burned slightly.

So now that you're new to the whole 'couple' thing...well you're trusting Hange so you decide to give it a read.


You're halfway through the book and you have enjoyed it surprisingly.

They were like mini romantic stories with a comedic theme.

Still currently reading, you encounter a line.

"Roses are red violets are blue...guess what, my bed has room for tw- ".

You didn't even finish the sentence and not one second passed as you threw the book across the room, hitting the front door.

Yeah no, not dazzling.

Your hand was still frozen mid-air, when the door suddenly opened.

A black ravened hair peeked through the door.

"I haven't even entered and you're already chucking me out?"

You scoff and roll your eyes, crossing your arms and lay back on your bed.

Levi picks up the book and reads the title with raised eyebrows.

"Never knew you were into romance".

"Hey, I was Hange gave it".

He nods putting the book down on the beside table, then sitting on the edge of the bed gazing at you.

"Did you ask for it?" he said with a small smirk.

You furrow your eyebrows "N-no, she gave it to me when she helped me treat my wounds".

His eyes dropped along with his head with a sigh.

"I can never forgive myself Y/n...".

You reach out and take his forearms, bringing him to lay on top of you.

You start to caress his soft hair.

You never knew how safe you could be now in Levi's arms.

"Don't worry about the past anymore.

I hadn't mentioned...I love you, Levi".

He slowly brings up his head to meet your eyes.

His stormy orbs sparkle.

His slowly brings himself up and cups your cheeks with his hands delicately.

"I love you too, darling".

You blush at the name.

He then captures your lips with his as he moves his thumbs lovingly across you cheeks.

He's so gentle.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now