
1K 24 14

Golden rays illuminate your candle lit room.

Soft scrapings of your quill onto paper echo in the room.

You are currently writing a letter to your mother, living in Ragako village.

'I hope all is well'.

You slightly smile at memories - missing her.

'I miss you very much, I will make it a priority to come see you soon".

Dipping the quill in black shiny ink, you carry on writing.

'I love you'.

These were the many of the letters you send a week.

Seen as your mother was living alone and she had told you that she loved the precious letters she was receiving from you.

You dared not to mention the incident with Levi.

Delicately writing the letters, incoming footsteps are heard coming closer to your room.

With a small sigh you held the quill in the ink as a knock erupts.

"Name and business".

"Levi, paperwork from Erwin".

You dramatically sigh again as the nice atmosphere was ruined but you let him enter anyway.

Opening the door, his eyes trail from your face to the letter.

"Just put the paperwork on the floor".

He mumbled an 'ok' and did so.

You looked up to his eyes.

His stormy orbs almost made you hypnotized.

With the yellow light reflecting from them, creating a sparkling glint in them.

He fought back a blush with your eye contact and switched his gaze to your letter "Your handwriting...is very neat".

You hesitate to answer, as you freeze looking over the curled letters on paper.

"Thank you" you said.

"Who is it for?"

Your eyebrows furrow.

"None of your damn business".

You inhaled sharply and mumbled an apology.

Feeling guilty.

"It's for my mother" you quietly say.

His eyes slowly trail down to the floor.


He silently exits, leaving you alone in the room.

Finishing the last sentence.



Then, putting your hands through your h/c hair with your head down.

You squeeze your eyes shut as you lay your head on the desk in exhaustion.

You couldn't help but drift off.


Levi felt the exact same.


Yet slightly annoyed as he walked through the hallways once again an hour later with full hands.

With another bundle of paperwork in his hand, he knocked quieter on your door as it was quite late in the evening.

Stupid Erwin for making the higher ups still work.

All the paperwork was just signing papers and recording cadet's performances in trainings and expeditions.

He received no response, so he discreetly opened your door.

The previous candle must have gone out, seen as it was pitch black. So he lit another small candle, placing the work on the floor.

He found your sleeping figure on the desk, head in your arms.

As a thought came into his mind, he blushed.

He fought it back and stepped around quietly, grabbing a blanket.

Then carefully draping it over you.

His fingertips lingered on you for a moment, before letting go as the redness stayed on his cheeks.

He then picked up the paperwork in his hands again and left your office with a last glance at you.

Deciding he can do the paperwork himself.

Walking out he sighed,

as he remembers his own mother.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now