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Finally, Erwin had announced on a fresh morning that the expedition to Ragako Village will take place tomorrow.

Memories of your mother flooded within you.

You may look as happy as ever, but deep down you were still grieving and missing her deeply.

Erwin said this was going to be a tough mission.

Many titans were currently roaming there; meaning only strong soldiers can take part.

Now entering Levi's office, he didn't look so pleased.

Looking at him confusingly, he crosses his arms looking directly into your eyes.

His intense stare made you shiver, but you never show it.

"You are not going on this expedition" he speaks up.

Your eyebrows furrow "Excuse me?"

"I said, you are not going on this expedition. It's too dangerous".

"Levi, I am more than capable. Stop worrying about me, you know I've survived more expeditions than you".

He shakes his head, walking closer to us "No, you are staying here and that's it" his voice was stern.

"I don't need protecting Levi!" you say with your voice raised higher.

He scowls "You are being so selfish right now".

"What about it? I've already said, I don't need protecting. I am the strongest female".

"Stop acting so fucking cocky and listen to me!" he raises his voice.

"Tch, you haven't changed, have you? Always acting selfish and thinking about yourself 24 fucking 7. Ever since I met you".

Your eyes slightly widened.

His voice was filled with disgust and harshness.

Just like when you first met.

"And it's the fucking truth Y/n" he finishes.


How could he say that? It's like a switched flipped and he completely changed.

"I can't believe you" you said and walked out of his office.

You didn't have the energy to argue.

You are going on this mission and that's final.


The day dragged on without Levi's presence.

You haven't seen him, but you didn't really want to.

It hurt a lot, but you still disliked the way he spoke to you.

You know he cares and wants to keep you safe.

But you aren't some new cadet, you're experienced and completely capable of facing titans.

But as the day grew old and old, you felt more alone.

In your room, alone.

Tears started to form, cascading down your cheeks.

You've never cried before, and was never the one to, but you couldn't help it.

Your eyesight blurred as new tears began to form.

Your head was pounding from the amount of sorrow.

You sniffled and brought your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them as you buried your face in your arms.

Your body shook with sobs.

Suddenly, a noise came from across the room - you didn't bother looking up

"Hi darling".

His voice was slightly empty.

Without your presence around him

You slowly brought your head up to see him sitting on the floor underneath you, looking directly at you.

"What do you want?" you asked, rather rudely before covering your face again.

Levi's hand reached out, placing it on top of your head.

"I came to apologize Y/n" his words made you lift your head up, causing his hand to slide from the top of your head to cupping your cheek.

His thumb moved slightly brushing away the tears.

You closed your eyes and rested your cheek into his palm

"I forgive you" you whispered the words you've been wanting to tell him.

Away from him made you realise, how much you need him.

"I know you are just as strong. I just want to be able to protect you out there" he softly admitted.

Opening your eyes, his other hand cupped your cheek and pulled gently leaning you closer to his face.

"You know darling..,

even when you cry, you're the most beautiful person I've seen".

Levi whispered, before pressing his lips on yours.

In the dark.

As you sleep soundlessly on his chest.

Levi caresses your hair lovingly.

"Thank you for coming into my life" he whispers into the openness.

With a sigh, he holds you closer and closes his eyes.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now