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Waking up to a sleepy Levi is something you would never get used to.

His lips slightly parted.

His soft breaths.

Not wanting to disturb him, you quietly get out of bed.

Looking at your calendar, you freeze.

'10th August - Birthday' (my actual birthday lol)

Holy shit?!

I forgot my own birthday!

You started to stifle a chuckle, covering your mouth with your hands.

Walking into the bathroom, you smooth your hair.

"Wow...I'm 27, I'm getting kinda old" you said to yourself, kind of posing in the mirror.

"The fuck am I doing..." your eyebrows furrow at your odd behaviour.

Once you finished, you got out of the bathroom to see Levi sitting on the edge.

He yawned, then started to rub his eyes with his knuckles.

Why am I only realising now how adorable he is...?

His eyes trail to the calendar, before snapping back to yours.

Getting up he walked over to you, taking your hands with a soft smile.

"Happy birthday Y/n".

Then gave you a soft kiss on the lips.

"Thank you" you smile.

"How old are you?" he asks.

"Err....27..." you hesitantly say.

His eyes slightly widen "Wow, you look a lot...younger. I mean I thought you were around 20".

You lightly laughed, shaking your head.

"Then what does that make you?" You say, stifling a chuckle.

He rolls his eyes, slightly pushing you away from him.

"I want to take you to town" he says.

You raised your eyebrows "Why is that?"

He tilts his head "I want to get you a dress".

Your cheeks heated.

A dress...?

Such luxury for a woman in a world like this...

"No questions, you'll see..." he says teasingly.

You both put on your uniform along with your new cape.

Levi told you to twirl around once you put the cape on.

You twirled then faced Levi, who had a hand covering his growing blush.

I'm only in my uniform...

"Wait till you see me in that dress, you'll be a mess love" you say.


A slight frown grew onto your face as you look at him in his uniform.

"How can you wear uniform so..."

"So..." he trailed on, taking a hold of your hand.


"I wish I could pull it off" you say, crossing your arms.

"Go ahead" he says.

"What?" you say.

"What" he says.


You run out of the room in realisation to wait for him outside.

Once you are out of the room.

Levi couldn't help but chuckle.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now