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With a heavy sigh, you sat on the side of a bed in the infirmary.

"Need any help with those nasty cuts?" Jace offered, with a friendly smile.

"No, you go" you said.

You gazed out of the window; the sun setting slowly emitting a golden glow in the rom.

You felt his stare on you, causing you to turn to him.

"Captain, what caused the scrapes when you went to get Levi?"

You swallowed and look back out of the window.


"Those wounds on you do look pretty serious, I think you should tell m- ".

You head snaps back at him with a darkened stare, causing him to halt. "Did I stutter?"

He immediately shrinks and turns to walk away, closing the door behind him.

You looked fine, but on the inside you were completely shaken.

Still recollecting what happened to you.

You had almost died.

Sure, you had experienced many near-death experiences with your years in the Survey Corps - but by your own mistakes, not your own cadet.

Heavily breathing, you steady it by gripping your trousers.

Your head dips down causing your hair to cover your eyes.

You prayed that no one would walk in.

It was hard to keep your emotions bottled up.

A part in you felt defeated.

You thought there was a possibility for you and Levi to be civil.

Possibly acquaintances.

Surely Levi didn't despise you that much to attempt a murder.

Disregarding the thoughts, you didn't realise your condition until multiple stinging sensations started around your body.

You decided you would start on the deepest cut in the middle of your cheekbone as you noticed blood seeping through.

That would definitely scar...

Another scar, now one on your cheek and the one on your neck which was pointed by that damn blade.

From the same person.

Scoffing at the concept you got a first aid kit.

Getting the needle and other shit for stitching, you pull a mirror out from the bedside table.

People may think you're absolutely crazy for stitching yourself, but you're experienced and has done it on yourself many times before.

As soon as you started to carefully and precisely stich the wound together you realised.

You would never get used to the pain.

If only Levi felt this much fucking pain, how would he feel.


After a few minutes of absolute hell, you then started to clean your smaller wounds which only required plasters.

Thankfully Hange assisted you, being a wonderful help.

Securely smoothing down the last plaster, Hange plops herself next to you on the bed with a big sigh of relief.

"That was a lot of nasty cuts Y/n! What happened? I was on the other side of the formation" she wondered.

Oh, nothing really, Levi almost fed me to a titan but everything else was perfect!

"You know just the regular titan slashing battle wounds" you replied casually.

"Hmm, the room is filled with lies".

"But it's okay! You'll have to tell me later as I need to check up on my dear two children!" Hange jumped up, patted your head.

She quickly got something behind her and chucked it on your lap before jogging out with a maniac giggle.

Sawney and Bean huh.

Well thank the walls Hange didn't interrogate you into answering.

Gazing at the book cover it read.

'A dazzling romantic comedy story'.

You wondered why in the world would you need this.

Love? Romance? What kind of bullshit is that?

No way were you going to be involved in that.

You sighed and stood up.

It aches.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now