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"Forward!" Erwin roars.

The scouting legion's horses shake the earth as they dart under the gates.

Only your loyal squad, the special operations and other stronger soldiers who volunteered to join along with the squad leaders are currently on this expedition.

Your heart was beating faster than ever before.

But now, you have to stay strong for your mother.

However, you know it will break you once you see that abandoned village.

You keep your eyes forward with a concentrated look.

Avoiding any nearby titans, you plan to go straight to Ragako.

I will avenge you Mother.

Levi catches your eye as you see him glance at you, you look back and give a slight smile.

'Everything is going to be okay'

He doesn't smile, but you know he is inside.

He trusts you and your strength, but it's hard not to worry.

Something grabs your attention.

Black flares.

You see the flares as they rip through the sky.

Another black flare.


What the hell...?

Then out of nowhere, you see 2 crazy abnormals heading from the right, straight towards your squad.

Many questions ran through your head as to how the abornmals came through the formation.

We can't avoid that!

Suddenly, you heard incoming hooves from beside you.

A Cadet joins your side with a panicked face "Right flank wiped out! Relay the message!"

After you nod, the cadet goes back to their formation.

"Eric!" You call out "You heard him".

He proceeds to relay the message, going to the squad beside you.

"Captain, your orders?!" Alexandra yells over the stomping of the horses.

Looking over your shoulder, with a smirk.

"I'm taking these ones".

Retracting your customised blades, you scale up onto the saddle on your feet.

2 abnormals, one behind the other.

Your hook onto the one in front, and fly through the air.

Getting closer, avoid their failing hands, you threw the blades towards the eyes, blinding it.

Retreating slightly, you retract new blades.

Then you quickly go under its arm towards the one behind the blinded titan.

Its arm reached out toward you, but you hook onto it and slice it up to the shoulder.

Then you fly down, cutting its ankles with immense speed.

It's falls to the ground as you follow it, cutting the nape clean off.

Now focusing on the last blinded titan, it seemed to have stopped because of its blinded eyes.

You just went straight for it and slashed the nape with zero mercy.

"Serves you right, abnormal fuckers".

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now