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The sun had risen, welcoming soft blue hues to paint the sky.

In the mess hall.

You sat contently enjoying Hange's company on the higher ups table.

Craving for your tea, you were about to get up before a steaming hot cup of tea was placed in front of you.

With slightly surprised eyes you look up, seeing Levi sitting down and taking a sip out of his.

Hange squeals.

You sighed, why would Levi do this?

Of course, he wants your forgiveness.

How sweet...

You were about to slap yourself of that thought but decided not.

"How do I know if it's poisoned or not?" you bluntly say.

Hange beside you gasps as she whips her head in your direction.

"Not surprised if it is..." you muttered.

You saw a faint expression of disbelief on Levi's face, but is quickly replaced by a frown.

Staring in his capturing eyes, you felt an ache in your heart, causing your mood to drop.

Sighing, you gave in and drank the tea.

It tasted exactly like yours...perfect.

Levi held back his smile once he saw your eyes slightly light up.


Hand to hand combat.

Your favourite time of the day.

Even better, 7 new cadets had joined into Levi's squad.

Jean who had a resemblance of a horse.

Eren, the titan boy who has a very passionate goal.

Mikasa, amazingly well with fighting as well as her protectiveness over Eren.

Armin, the smartest kid which reminded you highly of Erwin.

Christa, a sweet but too sweet of a girl.

Connie and Sasha, the rather crazy duo.

Though Sasha needs to stop thinking about food 24/7.

The Special Operations Squad.

The 7 of them were now shaking in fear in front of you are you stared them down.

"The lot of you will have to go against me. Give it your all, and I most certainly won't go easy on you".

You double take at Armin because you thought he was about to piss himself.

From behind you, leaning on a bench, Levi stood spectating with his arms crossed with scanning eyes.

First up was Eren.

It was quite a fight with his knack of determination which you admired.

It was until a while until he gave up as you got him on the ground, arms twists behind his back and your knees pushing down his thighs.

"Captain, you're about to break my arms!" Eren shrieked.


You got off him and handed and hand out.

As he got up to your level you commented "Fix that stance of yours, Aaron".

He nods with determination and starts to walk off but stops.

Turning back to you with a shocked expression.

"I-It's Eren...! Not Aaron" he says, stumbling on his words.

You lazily flicked your finger "Same thing".

When Eren went back to the side-lines Jean muttered a snarky comment, making Eren about to punch him, but thankfully Mikasa held him back.

"Maybe if you stop spilling out pathetic comments you wouldn't be titan food Jean" you say.

Levi was trying everything to stop his urge from chuckling.

Unbelievable, right.

Next was Jean.

He was quite tough, yet you still overpowered him.

Tripping you over by his legs, you took him down with you.

Now hovering you, he got distracted by the smirk of yours, giving you the opportunity to bring your feet to his stomach, kicking him and making him fly to the ground, knocking the air out of him.

Making him surrender.

"Surrendering without fighting back? How weak" you said to him as he went to join the rest with a blush covered over his face.

Not being rude, but you breezed through Armin and Christa.

Sasha also, but she surprised you quite largely with her hidden skills.

"I'm only letting you off Armin because you have a brain unlike others".

"Christa, you're not some sort of royalty, so man up" you pointed out.

She sweat dropped at the word 'royalty'.

Now was Mikasa.

Levi smirked which was hidden behind his palm.

Raking his hand through his raven hair, he knew this was going to be a good fight.

Circling each other, you waited for her first move.

Running towards you, she threw a punch but you dodged it which gave you the opportunity to kick her side, but she grabbed your foot in time.

She was fast.

Just as she was about to throw you onto the ground still with your foot in her hand, you flew up with your other leg, kicking her jaw as you fell with no feet on the ground.

Quickly jumping up, you went towards her and threw a punch to the side of her face which was successful. 

You quickly grabbed her arm, twisting it and kicking her back making her fall on her stomach.

But Mikasa still fought, kicking her legs onto your thighs as you held her down. You got up speedily and began kicking her side ruthlessly.

She hit the ground with her palm, signalling surrender and you helped her up.

"Good fight" you said to her and she nodded in response.

Now with the kids in front of you receiving your neutral death pan, you were not impressed.

"All of you absolutely suck, but with time you will all become good fighters. However, Mikasa, you were the only one who actually could fight with a lot of skill".

You then made everyone run laps and Jean to clean up the stables due to his unnecessary comments.

Now walking back to HQ, you pass Levi.

"Nice doing" he said trailing behind you.

It almost sounded forced.

He thanked God that you didn't look back as a slight redness appeared on his cheeks.

You grunted in response.

Now coming closer to your office, you watch Levi as he enters his which wasn't far from yours.

Unlocking your office with a sigh you wonder whilst raking a hand through your hair and removing your belts.

It was so weird yet you felt guilty. 

Levi was changing, doing what he could best to gain your trust.

But you wonder if you really wanted to accept him.

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now