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1 month later.

On a nice morning, you currently wipe your blades clean using a handkerchief.

You admire the shining gold and run your fingers over the engraved letters.

The door opens; you don't need to question who it is.

"My beautiful partner, cleaning her 34-inch blades. How innocent" you look up to him with a small smile.

You stand up, blade in hand.

"Fight me".

He raises an eyebrow.

"I'm starting to think you just like me pinning you against things darling".

You coughed, choked and felt your skin grow hot as the man smirked.

You quickly put the blade in the box, and scrambled out of the room.

You don't know where your feet are taking you to but you appear in front of Hange's lab.

After a knock, it immediately flings open.

"Y/nnn!" she lunges towards you for a hug.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you for making those blades" you say wrapping your arms around her.

You start to walk side by side to the mess hall.

She grins "Eh! No problem, even though that was a whole month agooo...!"

You scratch your head.

"I see you and Levi are doing weelll" she wiggles her eyebrows.

A slight blush covered your cheeks but you keep your face blank "Yeah? We are actually".

"EEK! I knew it!" With that she ran off.


You carry on walking and you see Eren walking towards you.

His quickly salutes, stumbling in the process.

"Captain Y/n!".

"What is it, Aaron?" you say lazily.

"I need your help!" he says a bit too loud for your liking.

"Go ask Mikasa" you walk off.

You hear him gasp "It's Eren, not Aaron!"

You hear him about to run towards you but instead you hear.

"Leave the lady alone, Jaeger".

Uh oh.

Entering the mess hall, you decide to sit with your squad today.

As you sat with breakfast in hand, Eric welcomes you.

"Good morning Captain" he says.

"Morning" you say gazing at the other members.

Jace gives a big grin and Alexandra gives a pretty smile.

"What's on the schedule today Captain?" Alexandra asks.

Swallowing a piece of bread, you lazily say "Stable duty, it's filthy".

They all groaned, except from Eric.

You glared at them, making them shut up.

You still appreciate them dearly.


You watched from your small opened window.

Feeling the breeze kissing your face as the silent of the midnight surrounds you.

The dim street lanterns light a cobblestone path and a muffled humming sounded somewhere below on the streets.

Nights like these is where you can be free from all the terrors of the harsh reality.

The humming fades away as quiet footsteps followed stopping right in front of your door.

The door handle clicks and swings open, you whipped your head around meeting eyes with no other than him.

You give a small wave before returning your gaze to the quiet city outside.

He walks over and sits on the bed right next to you.

The weight of the bed shifts a little, sinking you closer to where he sat.

You can't help it.

He's too close.

You feel colour rush to your cheeks as both your thighs graze.

You turn your head away from him, hoping your hair could cover your blush.

Making sure it couldn't be seen in the light of the pale moonlight and yellow street lanterns.

I make it so obvious.

You scolded yourself mentally.

His finger suddenly pulls your hair from your face and tugs on your chin making you face him.

Even in the darkness of midnight, his navy eyes still shone bright as ever.

His lips parted as he leaned in to whisper.

"You know, darling, I've always thought you were the most beautiful woman I've ever seen".

everlasting pain ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now