Ch 15

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I woke up. I looked at the clock.
Dang. I slept awhile. My usual is 9:30. I got up out of bed, but as soon as my feet hit the cold, wooden floors, I wanted back in my bed.
I felt the bags under my eyes droop and I tasted the nasty morning breath in my mouth.
I dragged my feet to the bathroom, where the white tile floor was even colder than the wood. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Immediately I felt refreshed. I changed my clothes, brushed my hair and fixed myself up before heading downstairs.
The kitchen was empty when I entered, so I decided to eat my breakfast outside. I grabbed a bowl and a spoon along with my cereal and milk.
The air outside felt so fresh. I breathed it in through my nose and it felt like I inhaled a warm summer breeze. Which basically I did. I ate my Cinnamon Life cereal while staring out at the view on our balcony. It was amazing.
The bright blue ocean crashing against the shore. The hot, beige sand being stepped on by feet. And the seagulls, yapping away in the sky, swooping down to see what they can grab. It was remarkable. I smiled and closed my eyes. As much as I hated to admit it..this was my home now.
After breakfast I put my things away and came back out to the balcony. I stood by the railing and stared off to see how far I could see the ocean go before it became blurry.
I heard someone walk onto the balcony but didn't bother to check.
"beautiful isn't it?" I whipped my head around to see Jace inches from my face. "Yeah." I agreed. Sometimes I wish I could just reach out and kiss him. Ugh.
"You wanna go swimming?" I asked him. He looked at me for a second, then replied. "Love to." I ran upstairs to change into my swimsuit. It was a bikini, but not skimpy, which was good. I wasn't trying to show off my body to him, I just wanted to look cute. My bikini top was light pink, blue and a hint a yellow with ruffles on the front. The bottoms were just black. I threw my hair into a sort of cute, messy bun and ran down to the beach. I didn't see Jace, so I figured he was still in the house.
I saw my mom tanning, Channing, Ariana, Luke, Tyler and Alex all playing volleyball. I walked toward the ocean and stuck my toes into the wet, mucky sand under the salty water. I wasn't paying attention, and Jace came up behind me and dumped a bucket of water on my head. I quickly turned around in shock. "JACE! I'm gonna get you for that!" I yelled jut as soon as he started bolting for the stairs to the house.
I picked up the bucket, filled it up and chased after him. He didn't realize how fast I was, until he turned around a second too late. I had dumped the bucket on his head and threw it at him, laughing. He fell to the ground and burst into laughter. I helped him up and we kept laughing.
"Guess we don't need to get used to the water now." He said. "Haha yeah." We ran into the water and I splashed him before he was up to his waist in the water. "What the heck Anna! It's cold!" I started laughing. "Thought you said you don't need to get used to it."
I kept laughing until he dunked my head under the murky water which caused me to choke on my laugh. I came up from the water coughing, sputtering and smiling. "Hey! That was uncalled for!" I yelled. He stuck his tongue out at me, then swam away.
I followed him once again, and jumped on top of him, causing him to dunk under the water. He came up same way I did. He turned around and was really close to my face. Then he smiled and backed away.
We came back to the house at 5:00. We had been there 4 hours just splashing and dunking each other. After I took a shower, we all had dinner as a..well I guess you could say "blended" family. My mom cooked salmon and green beans. It tasted amazing.
After dinner I wanted to take a blanket, go out to the beach and look at the stars. "Mom can I go chill outside with Jace for awhile?" "Sure hon. It's 6:30 right now. Be back before 10:00". I gave her the "gotcha" look and headed outside.
I put the blanket down, then laid on top of it along with Jace. The blanket was blue and soft, I almost wanted to fall asleep. We mostly stayed silent, until Jace talked. "...this seems like a good time to talk about sappy stuff". I turned my head to him. "And why's that?" This time, he looked back at me. "Because I want to talk to you about things I'd never tell anyone." I smiled. "Like what?" He paused. "..I love you.." My stomach dropped, and I wanted to throw up, even though this was the best thing that's ever happened to me. "Just thought you'd want to know." I hadn't realized I didn't say anything. I can't believe I said this. But I did. "I love you too." I mumbled it, but it was loud enough for him to turn his head and look at me. "And not just like the fan love. It's more than that." It was silent after that. But one question surprised me. "..have you had your first kiss?" Jace asked me so confidently, it caught me off guard. I turned on my side to look at him. "No...I haven't. Not really a surprise." I chuckled sadly.
He put his hand on my cheek and made me look into his soft, brown eyes. "That's a good thing." I wanted to say more, but he cut me off.
I felt his soft lips lock with mine. My lips glided against his so perfectly. I felt the butterflies in my gut increase, as he moved his body on top of mine. He wasn't literally laying on me, but hovering on me. This was the longest kiss I've ever actually experienced. I thought first kisses usually last a couple seconds. But we haven't stopped for about a minute. He made one more passionate kiss, before pulling away.
He was far enough away from my face that I could look into his sparkling eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He got off and I sat up. We cleaned up and walked inside. He grabbed my hand and squeezed while we walked inside.
I walked up to my room and he went to his. I plopped on my bed. I stared up at the blank ceiling and smiled. My room felt cool, compared to outside. I closed my eyes and mumbled to myself. "Maybe this won't be so bad after all."

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