Ch 12

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Today was working day. We had to pack..again. This time, none of us knew where we were going. But I couldn't help to ask. "Mom. Where are you planning to take us?" She looked at me with a "not now" look. So I just looked away. We walked back to the hotel and packed our stuff. It took an hour which was actually pretty short. The only problem was we didn't have a car. I frowned when my mom said we had to walk a mile with these suitcases to get a car. My feet weren't hurting that bad by the time we got there. Some of the cars were pretty junky and looked old. But there were two that stuck out to me. "Hey mom. I found two cars that may fit all of us". She turned. "Where hon?" I pointed over to a light blue mini van, in pretty good shape. Then i pointed to an SUV. It was an older one, but it was in good shape and was a light beige. My mom and the others followed me to the cars. I opened the mini van, and hopped in. "What are you doing?" Alex asked. "I'm seeing if we all can fit. Get in." They obeyed. I sat in the way back with Jace and Luke. This mini van was weird because it had three seats in the middle instead of two. My brothers and Channing sat in the middle. That left my mom and Ariana in the front. No one said a word until I spoke again. "You guys wanna try the SUV now?" Everyone spoke. "Yes". I hopped into the car of the SUV and sat in the back again. I really liked the back seats. I don't know why. Once again, Jace followed me. Along with Luke. Man these two had to be right by my side, 24/7. But I didn't mind. They were too sweet. In the middle, again sat Alex, Tyler and Channing. Then in the front, sat my mom and Ariana. This time my mom spoke. "Do we all agree that this car is better?" "Yes" everyone said in unison. Including me. I got back out f the car, to put our luggage in the trunk. I didn't see anyone that could help us. "Mom there's no one here to help us." She looked around again before answering. "That's ok sweetie. I'll load the car with the boys and you can go get the key for the car." There was a number on the windshield of the car. It read: 3462. I nodded and ran to the store where you could buy cars from. I opened the glass door and walked in. I looked around slowly, trying to be quiet and look for the key at the same time. It smelled nasty in there. Like something died. I walked to the counter with my nose plugged and looked at the wall behind it. Bingo! I looked for our number. "34-34-34-62" I mumbled to myself. I looked around the whole box. "3264, 3365, 3441, 3462!" I found it! I walked behind the counter towards it and I was about to grab it when I stepped on something. I quickly backed away and looked down. My eyes widened, my mouth opened and I screamed. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" It was a dead body. It was a man who worked here, laying dead on the floor. I heard laughter, and I swung my head around to see who it was. A man about 6 foot came around the corner of the door leading to the car garage. He had a smirk on his face. His eyes were brown and bloodshot. He had blood splattered on his face and he wore the same outfit the dead man was wearing. A navy blue shirt and pants. With a logo that had the store's name on it. I looked at his name tag. Karl. I turned around to run but I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed me by my arms and yanked me back. He told me to shut up and put his nasty hand over my mouth. I tried to bite him. I only got some of his skin but he pulled away and slapped me. "You're going to die anyway little girl. The world is ending. So why don't you just die now?" A tear rolled down my cheek and onto his hand. He moved it from my mouth so I could speak. I was choked up from all the tears about to spill on my face, so I could only whisper. "You're crazy." I said. He then took me and dragged me the car garage. I didn't know where he was taking me because he was pulling me backwards. He kept dragging me for another minute before he threw me into a dark space. I think it's a closet. I started pounding on the door and screaming. "HELP HEEEELLLLPPP!!!!!" He opened the door again and put duct tape over my mouth and around my hands and feet. Then he grabbed my hair and slammed in into the side of the wall. He shut the door again and I heard his footsteps walking away. I felt dizzy and my head was throbbing. He was pretty stupid when he duct taped my hands because he duct taped them in the front. "Idiot" I thought, since I couldn't speak. I learned how to get out of this. My friend taught me. My friend..... I started crying again knowing nothing will ever be the same. Everyone I loved is gone. Everyone I knew is gone. Everything I loved is gone. I missed home. I wish none of this ever happened. I stopped myself from crying anymore, because I had to be strong. I had to get this tape off my hand. I stood up. Even though I was wobbly. I tightened my stomach so it wouldn't hurt as much. I put my arms out in front of me. I brought them back against my stomach as hard as I could and I broke the tape. It only hurt the hairs on my arms. But I didn't care. I took off the tape on my mouth and on my feet. I tried to open the door after that. It wouldn't open. "He locked it damn it!" I thought. I sat in the dark closet, with my arms hugging my knees and waiting. Suddenly I heard a noise. The door! The bell rang! I hear my mom, Tyler, Alex, and Jace's voice. "ANNA!!! ANNNNNAAAAAA". They were looking for me. I tried to yell back. "HEEELLLLPPPP. MOOOOOMMMMM. HEEEEEELLLPPP MEEEEE!!!" I screamed as loud as I can before my voice cracked. I heard the door open and I knew I had some hope left in me. Except it wasn't my mom. Or Jace. Or Tyler. Or Alex. It was the man. And he was mad. He yanked me up from my spot and put his hand over my mouth. This time there was a cloth. I knew it was a drug so I didn't breathe through my mouth. I breathed through my nose and faked that I was knocked out. I opened my eye a little. We were in this white room. It wasn't white anymore because there were blood stains on the walls and chains everywhere. It was like a torture chamber. He didn't want to kill me because of the world ending. He was a serial killer. A very stupid one though. He was getting on top of me. "Not yet! Not yet!!" My mind yelled at myself. He was starting to unzip my pants. I tried not to fidget. Wait for it. One leg was on each side of me. I had a perfect shot. I just had to wait a little longer. He moved up a little closer to me. "Now!" I yelled to myself. I brought my knee up into his junk as hard as I could. He squealed. "Ha loser" I yelled at him. I kicked his shins and punched his face. I knew he was pissed. I ran to the door and tried to open it. It was locked. "Shit" I whispered. He was on his feet now. He was slowly walking towards me, cornering me against the door. He yanked me by my shoulders and threw me back onto the mattress. He pulled my pants down to my panties. He pinned my arms down so I couldn't move. I screamed as loud as I could. "HELP!! HEEEELLLLLPPP!!" He slapped me so hard I was knocked out. I woke up after what seemed like a day and I looked around. It was fuzzy and my head was throbbing again. I sat up, and I felt my head. There was blood. I didn't know where I was. I wasn't in the same room as I was earlier. This one had pink walls. Almost like a girl's room. It freaked me out. I got up out of the bed and I went to the window in the room. I looked outside. I was somewhere in Hawaii. I knew that. I just didn't know where. I looked down at myself and realized I had
my clothes back on. "I hope he didn't do anything to me." I said to myself. I went to the door and opened it. I was planning to run as far as I could and as fast. It was an old house. The walls were dark brown and made of wood. I went down the stairs quietly. I saw him in the kitchen making breakfast. It smelled like bacon. if I could walk down the stairs and out the door, he wouldn't be able to see. I crept down the stairs and when I had the chance. I bolted out the door. The last thing I heard was his fainted voice screaming "get back here!" I never looked back. I knew exactly where I was. It was by the airport again. I saw a phone, but I didn't think my mom had her phone anymore. I ran back to the hotel and then to the car shop as fast as I could. I arrived after three hours. I looked around. I saw cops everywhere. I think they were looking for me. Then I saw my mom and I burst into tears. I called out to her. "MOM! Mom. mom." My voice got weaker as I approached her. When she saw me, she cried even harder and she ran the rest of the way to me. Everyone else saw me and they ran to my side. They've been crying. All of them. My mom spoke first. "Honey where have you been?" I was sobbing and it was hard to talk. "A-a man. H-he grabbed me. A-and I tried to call to you." I couldn't speak anymore. I just cried in my mom's arms. The police came up to me after and asked to take me to the hospital for inspections. "We'll be right behind you sweetie. We're not leaving again." My mom said. I smiled as the ambulance people shut the door. I stared up at the ceiling of the car and closed my eyes. "Soon. Soon it'll all be over.." I told myself. I opened my eyes again and I was in the hospital room. It had white walls with teal tile flooring. My mom was sitting next to me and Jace on the other. "He really cares about me." I thought. He was holding my hand when I looked at him and smiled. He just gave me a sympathetic look. "Honey. Do you know what happened?" My mom asked as I turned my head to her. "Yeah. Some parts." I paused. "Would you like to tell me sweetie?" My mom was acting like I was a little kid. But I didn't really care at this point. "I went into the car shop, and I smelled something. I went to grab the key when I saw a dead body and I screamed. Then another man came around the door of the car garage. He had killed the guy. The man who had taken me, had a name tag. Karl was his name. Karl put his hand over my mouth and dragged me back into the garage and threw me in a closet. I heard you and Jace come in, so I screamed. He covered my mouth, hands and legs with duct tape but I escaped. Karl had locked the door, so I pounded and yelled for you guys. I guess you couldn't hear me. That's when he came in again, and slapped me as hard as he possibly could. He then put his hand over my mouth with a rag and dragged me to another room. I knew it was something to drug me, so I held my breath. He threw me on this mattress and tried to rape me. I kicked him as hard as I could and tried to open the door. He had locked it again. That's when he beat me and knocked me out. He took me to what I thin was his house. I woke up in a pink room. I snuck down the stairs and ran outside as fast as I could." I paused to cry a little and I realized I hadn't even seen how bad my face looked. I brushed that thought away and continued my story. "He lived right next to the airport, so I ran all the way to the hotel, and then to the car shop...that's when I found you." My mom was tearing up. I looked over at Jace, and the others. They were still crying as well. I looked back at my mom. I couldn't speak anymore. "Hon..." She paused to cry some more. "I am so sorry. I can not believe I sent you in there." "No mom. It's not your fault. If anyone else went in, the same thing would've happened. I'm glad it was me." I cried again and cleared my throat. "How long have I been gone." My mom was about to speak when Jace interrupted. "A day. It was long enough though." I stared at him for half a second before looking away. "Mom. Can I see how I look." She bit her lip not wanting to show me. But I begged her. She handed me a mirror and I almost dropped it. I had a huge cut across my forehead. I had a black eye, and my head was still bleeding. My lip was swollen and purple. My nose was bloody, but not broken. I immediately gave the mirror back before crying. Jace turned my head towards him. "You are still always." That made me cry even more. "When will this be over?" I asked pretty much anyone who would knew, but my mom answered. "Soon honey. I promise...."

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