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"MOM!" I screamed. "What honey? What?". "Look!!! Ariana grande! More celebrities! They look like they need help. Can we pick them up?" "Oh honey, I don't know. There's not much time." I said softly, "but what if you were them? You would want to be saved..right?". My mom sighed. "Ok fine". We drove by. Ariana grande! She was the first we picked up. "Hello loves! Thank you so much for picking me up!". My brothers literally died. Alex moved to the back seat so Ariana could sit up front. I couldn't believe it. Another one. I couldn't make out who he was...wait. Channing Tatum!! Man, the way he wore his white tee shirt. I died. He opened the door. "Thanks so much!" He said Hopping in. Since I was the lucky one, I got to move to the trunk for more room and got to sit by no one. After about 20min, we literally had at least seven celebs in our car. They all were in the middle seats though. I sat by myself. I felt kind of sad. I was about to cry when my mom slammed on the breaks and my head hit the back of the seat. "Ow. Mom why'd you stop?" I asked. She didn't answer. "What the heck". I thought. I heard the car door open, and a familiar voice startled me. "Hey guys! Thank you for helping me. I'm Jace." I died. "The" Jace Norman? From Henry Danger? I couldn't believe it. But I tried to act cool in all. I heard my mom finally say " hi sweetie. Sorry about the tight space. Hop in the trunk. There's room". I saw him throw himself over the seat and sit really close to me. "Uh..hi!" He said with a smile. "Hi!" I said, smiling back. He kept staring at me for some reason. "What's your name? I'm Jace! From henry danger." "Haha yeah I know. I'm Anna. From Michigan". "That's a pretty name. It's nice to meet you".

Anna's POV :
Oh god. The way he talked, the way he looked. I couldn't help myself not to smile. He was perfect. I just wanted to kiss him. But I couldn't be that crazy fan. Hopefully he will like me soon. I smiled at him. And he smiled even brighter. I wanted to faint.

Jace's POV:
Wow. I've never seen a girl so beautiful. But would she believe me if I told her? I can't stop staring at her. I hope she doesn't think I'm a creep. But just one kiss.. No! I have to stop. I can't have her think I'm a freakish celeb. She's just perfect.
I think my mom was done picking up hitchhikers, because we haven't stopped in a while. *ERRMMMMMMM*. I could hear the ground shaking again. It was shaking the car so much I hit my head on the side of the car. *SMACK*. "Ow!" I said loudly. "Are you ok?" Jace asked concerned. "Yeah. Thanks. I've hit my head on this car, at least 10 times." Jace laughed. "I'm sorry". He said smiling and put his hand on my head. My mom interrupted the moment. "WE'RE HERE". She yelled. Everyone started piling out of the car. And Jace and I were left to be the last. After we scrambled out, my mom directed us where we had to go. She told everyone to follow her and to stay close behind. That must've been quick because the next thing I know, we're speed walking through the airport. Mom turned into Gate 7, where apparently we had to go. The ladies at the desk didn't seem to care about tickets because people were walking in casually without one. We hurried to make it before they ran out of seats, and to our surprise, there were a lot empty. We took first class again, because there were enough seats for all of us. I took a window seat, and jace sat right next to me. I guess he could see the fear in my face, because he grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring look that we would be ok. I just smiled back.

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