Chapter 1 - Conference

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Poland wakes up, practically confused as to why that memory had to play in his mind. 'Maybe a warning of some sort?' Poland asked himself as he emerged from the pile of blankets. It was terribly cold last night so he had to sleep with his wings out. He grumbles annoyed and checks the time before rapidly rising up and briskly walk into the bathroom, but only before walking out again to get a towel. 'God damn it, I'm gonna be late!' Poland panics and rushes back to the bathroom to prepare himself.

The cold water hits him like a brick as he turns the shower on which prompts him to turn the water heater on. Warm water slowly trickles down towards the floor as he slowly enjoys the warmth. It is somehow still cold, even in the bathroom. Alas, all good times come to an end too fast and before he knows it, he is now attempting to dry out 'two large blankets' as he would call his wings. Poland checks the time as he casually gets dressed to make himself look presentable for the meeting. '6:32 AM. Still have time.' Poland grabs his suitcase before walking towards a teleporter. 

A magic screen materializes out of nowhere as Poland steps on the teleporter which he immediately chooses the EU building to teleport to. Seconds later, he gets teleported right inside the EU building. Poland looks around to see that only half of his fellow co-workers are here. One of them being Hungary who was currently talking to Austria. "Morning." Poland greets the Hungarian which the latter returns. "Morning Pol, didn't see you there." Hungary says before wrapping Poland into a hug. 

"I'm surprised that you're slightly late than usual Poland. Something happened last night?" Austria teases and Poland grumbles. "Nothing happened last night. Besides, if there's a meeting this early-" Poland suddenly gets cut off, "You'd be much earlier at arriving here and you'd be waiting for Hungary." Austria rudely cuts off the Pole who just groans annoyed. "Don't listen to him Pol. I had to wake him up early because of todays events and he's still whining about it." Hungary apologizes for the Austrian's actions which in turn makes Austria blow a raspberry. 

Poland lightly snickers at the Austrian's childish behavior as he silently watches the two bicker like an old couple. Oh no wait, they are a couple. France walks on by and greets the three before asking where Germany could be. "He's most likely dragging Italy out of bed." Austria responds and France sighs. France immediately creates a portal which she promptly walks in towards who knows where. The portal then shrinks and disappears entirely after a few seconds. "But really, where is Germany? Isn't he always too early?" Hungary asks and Poland snickers. 

"Rumors say that Germany decided to live in the EU building so that he can get to work once he wakes up." Poland snickers which prompts Hungary to laugh along. "Bold of you to assume that Germany ever sleeps. Another rumor that has been running around for centuries." Austria adds in which causes the three to laugh in unison. That was until a portal suddenly appears in front of them. France passes through the portal as two others trail behind her. All the trio could hear was Germany reprimanding Italy about waking up on time, with the Italian arguing that meetings always start too early for his liking.

Before this turns into a heated argument about what time is considered early, France drags Germany away while Italy walks off to a nearby vending machine. Japan's little gift towards the building. Although, she didn't have to be onboard with using too many vending machines. "Apologies for unlocking the conference room this late." Germany announces as the doors behind him opens up which revealed a somewhat circular room with a projector screen which was situated right at the back of where the EU heads would sit.

Those that were there waiting immediately entered the room and welcomed the cold air which greeted them on their timely arrival. "See you at lunch Pol." Hungary waves at the Pole before going with Austria to their respective seats. Poland's seat was way further from the two so he nods at the Hungarian's direction before going towards his seat. 'Huh, now I wonder why EU doesn't open the conference room. Why does Germany have to do it?' Poland asks himself before dismissing the thought. 

Germany probably has all the keys to each room of the entire building. Poland sighs as he watches as more and more people get inside the conference, and before he knows it, the conference rooms doors shut close and a presentation starts. Poland turns his attention to the projection, even though it was something they've been talking about for weeks. Perhaps it is another boring day.


Howdy there busters, I have finally done a rewrite on this chapter.

821 words.

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