Chapter 10 - Clues

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Estonia and Latvia are sitting together at lunch break discussing about the book they translated days ago. "I feel bad for him. He could be resting right now and now someone's gonna disturb him." Estonia says midbite to her sandwich. She already finished her lunch and was now eating a sandwich. "As much as how I don't believe in God, I don't think you should disturb the dead." Estonia munches right through the sandwich and disintegrates the wrapper with her magic. "Well, we can't do anything. France is powerful and I doubt both of us even have a chance to take her on magic-wise." Latvia interjects and Estonia sighs in defeat.

"I hope that they don't do anything stupid like necromancy." Latvia says and Estonia shivers at the thought. She remembers when Soviet came back to the shared house where all the Soviet Republics have to stay in bringing news about Imperial Japan. The empress had died from the second bomb and she had to be resurrected just to pay for her crimes. "Hello Lithuania, how nice of you to join us quite late." Latvia greets the woman who had just arrived at their table. "What were you two talking about?" Lithuania asks and looks at the open book. 

"Dead person. Remember the old times where you and I fought against each other?" Latvia answers and looks back to the past where she had to fight against Lithuania. "Ah yes, those times." Lithuania recalls when she and Poland were extremely close. "Still thinking about Poland huh?" Estonia asks and Lithuania nods. "I love him but he only sees me as a sister. Even today he still loves that militant." Lithuania says and takes a quick glance towards Poland. Lithuania sighs before turning her attention towards the open book. "What's this?" Lithuania asks and Latvia looks at her confused. 

"I thought you would know what this is since Poland told us that you wanted to throw these out." Latvia answers as her expression becomes even more confused. "I've never even seen these things in my entire life." Lithuania says as she inspects the book. It was old and it looked like it would collapse at any moment yet it remained firm as she loosely held it on the spine. "Alright, what even is the truth cause Poland said you know about this book but then here you are saying that you don't." Estonia says and frowns as suspicion comes up. 

"Maybe Lithuania forgot about these? I mean, you drink way too much alcohol to cope about Poland." Latvia comes up which Lithuania coldly looks at her. "Do not bring up my alcohol consumption here. I do not know about the book at all." Lithuania coldly summons a mini light based horse before sending it towards Poland. The horse reaches Poland who simply excuses himself before walking towards Lithuania. "What did you want to talk about?" Poland asks as he sits at the opposite side of the three. "Poland, I have never seen this book in my entire life. Why did you lie?" Lithuania holds up the book towards Poland which the latter freezes.

"You did see the books. It was lying on the floor and it was quite dark but you told me to throw these away." Poland lies but Lithuania doesn't buy it. "Poland, what's the truth?" Estonia glares at Poland through her blindfold as her hands get covered into a mass of shadow, turning it from normal hands into monster-like claws. Poland sighs before lowering his voice, "Teutonic, he's been alive the entire time." The three immediately looked shocked at the information. 

"Didn't you kill him a long time ago?" Lithuania whispers and Poland nods. "He died briefly before resurrecting a few years later. I would tell you who he is right now but I doubt he would like that." Poland says before quickly standing up. "Whatever you do, do not tell France or anyone for that matter. He still has unfinished business with Vatican and his identity will not be revealed until Vatican dies or removes one the control over him." Poland walks away leaving the three in silence. "Teutonic, alive?" Lithuania shivers in thought of the militant being alive.

"Honestly, I'm not even surprised." Estonia finishes her sandwich and the two look at her. "What? I mean, he has the Wrath ability which allows him to bypass death. Funny enough, the only other person who has that is-" The bell cuts her off and the three grumble in disappointment. "I'll see you two soon." Estonia hurries off and joins Finland and Hungary on the trip towards their designated hallway. Latvia and Lithuania look at each other and shrug before walking towards their designated hallway which is nearby Estonia's hallway. 

"What else does the Wrath ability do? Kinda forgot about it." Lithuania says and Latvia sighs. "It allows the user to survive longer even if they've taken way too much damage. Also allows the user to come back even stronger than before." Latvia lists down which Lithuania shivers at the thought. "I doubt he'll hurt us. Besides, were allies with him now." Latvia pats Lithuania's back for comfort and Lithuania sighs hoping that its true. "Well, see you later Latvia." Lithuania nods towards the Latvian as she enters her office. 

Poland sneaks in towards where Teutonic was. He had failed one thing but at least it wasn't something major. "Hey uh, the Baltics now know about you." Poland worriedly looks at the nation in question who just seems unfazed. "It was bound for them to know. Just watch over Lithuania. I can deal with the other two." Teutonic answers and Poland nods. "Oh, you changed the flowers yet again?" Poland asks, trying to change the subject which the latter noticed. "Yep, I change every once in a while. Practically no one notices it." Teutonic answers before sighing.

"Look, I'm not mad alright. Just as long as you don't outright tell Vatican then I'm not mad." Teutonic reassures the Pole who just nods. "When are you gonna change it back?" Poland asks, trying to clear off the wave of unease which has flowed through him. "Probably soon. Lilies are nice but I don't want to keep smelling that at night. I'll change it to some blue cornflowers so I don't get drowned." Teutonic answers and Poland looks at him in question. 

"What's wrong with lilies at night?" Poland asks as the tension completely subsides. "The smell immediately increases at night so every time I have to stay here, I have to open my window just so I don't get flooded." Teutonic answers and Poland decides not to question anymore. "Alright, I'll go back to my office. See you later?" Teutonic thinks about it and nods, "See you later." Poland exits the room and walks back to his own office.


Hahahh, the lunch bell cut the lore. Also, its easy to find out who Teutonic is here since technically you can just do google searches and stuff. Its pretty obvious especially the fact that theres a tag. 

My way of writing: 
The reader suffers as every single character here makes the most dumbest choice possible.

Anyways, I died completely. 

1195 words.

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