Chapter 2 - Eavesdropping

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The meeting ends with nobody agreeing with a single thing. Ice spikes, random objects on fire, clouds, maybe a little of water, and some vines with sharp thorns was left in the meeting room. In short, it was complete chaos. But as usual, people always clean up after their mess. No one here wants to get a cut in the salary. Poland waits outside the meeting room, watching as the others go back to their office or go to other rooms. 'Seems like everyone's busy using the photocopier...' Poland watches as his fellow co-workers rush towards a room where the machine is held. 

"They probably didn't have enough copies." Hungary wraps his arm around the unsuspecting Pole. For reasons unknown to Austria, Poland somehow didn't even jolt in shock. There was literally no reaction from the Pole. "Thinking about something Poland?" Austria asks and Poland nods. "For reasons unknown, why did I have a dream about a promise to.. someone." Poland starts the conversation before walking towards a hallway where vending machines are placed, with Hungary and Austria trailing behind. 

"Oh? What's bothering you about that?" Hungary slightly leans unto a vending machine. "Well, I feel as if its a warning about something-" Poland continues before getting cut off by someone. "You don't understand sis, I have to find him yet again." A mysterious person tells to the what seems to be their sister. "Eavesdropping eh?" Austria snickers and both Poland and Hungary glare at the Austrian to shut up. "But, haven't you done that for centuries?" Another voice appears which seems to be persuading the other to stop whatever they're attempting. 

Poland inches closer towards the hallway intersection. Coming into Poland's view, France and Belgium can be seen having a conversation. 'Pol, this is a terrible idea since those two are EU heads.' Hungary whispers but only gets a hush as a reply. "Listen Belgium, every time I search for my brother, it's always when I have that tiny inch of freedom from MY responsibilities." France argues and Belgium groans annoyed. 

"You've conquered the entirety of Europe while also attempting to find your brother. And yet you still never found him." Belgium points out but France isn't budging. "Listen, I know that you wont accompany me this time but please. I have a hunch, maybe, hopefully." France stares at Belgium happily and the other sighs. "But don't come back crying at my house if you don't find him again. Go to your husband instead." Belgium gives up before looking at the corner of her eye. 

Poland immediately pushed the two others far away before they get caught eavesdropping. Luckily, they all made it to Austria's office in time. "So, are you two going to hide out in my office or what?" Austria sneers and Hungary forces the Austrian to sit. "For once, can you stop talking for once? We nearly got caught." Hungary growls and Austria just looks completely amused. "At the very least, if France walks in here, she wouldn't even think it was us in the first place." Austria points out the least obvious.

"Exactly how?" Poland asks, clearly bewildered just like his friend. "Ever heard of acting?" Austria drops the bomb and the two immediately looked dumbfounded. Unfortunately, before anything could be explained, a knock on the door can be heard. "If you have no documents for me, kindly stop knocking on my door before I get my brother." Austria harshly tells the knocker which seems to work as the trio hear footsteps go further away. 

"There now, happy?" Austria sighs and opens his desk drawer to grab some snacks. "You're lucky I asked Germany to have no cams in my office." Austria opens up one of the packets which contained a chocolate croissant. "Now get out of my office." Austria harshly orders the two and they immediately get out. "He didn't even hand me a snack." Hungary sadly remarks and Poland pats the others back. "Cheer up, you know how he is." Poland reassures the latter before looking around. Everyone is mostly in their office. 

"Hey, we need to go back to out office." Poland tells Hungary which prompts the latter to move towards an office which was right next to Austria's. "I'll see you at lunch Pol." Hungary waves a little before hurrying up into his office. Just when Poland was about to walk towards his office, a few pieces of paper was then handed to him. 'How thoughtful of him...' Poland looks at the few papers before passing by France. "Poland, what are you doing outside your office?" France asks, completely suspicious of the Pole.

"I had to photocopy a few papers. Here's the evidence since you usually don't believe me." Poland hands in a few papers and France takes a look. "Hmph, believable. Now get back to your office before Germany berates you and forces you to overwork." France says to Poland before walking right towards her office. Poland sighs in relief before entering in his office, completely without punishment. 'Now to warn him about it...' Poland looks at the papers that were teleported to him.

Writing down something on it, he briefly calls someone before ending it. Not giving the person a chance to pick up. Seconds later, the paper disappears completely, but not before a new writing can be seen. 'Meet up at 6 PM.' Poland reads and takes note of it. Poland finally sighs and settles down, 'Time to actually work...'


I guess, a week update is fine-
Plus, the chapters are way longer than its supposed to. 
This thing has about 930 words.

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