Chapter 11 - Papers

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"Thank you." France picks up the papers from Estonia who quickly leaves to join with Finland. France had gotten the papers by the end of work hours and she isn't exactly keen on staying up late. Summoning a portal which leads directly to her shared house with Britain, France sighs as she enters the living room to find Wales sleeping on the coach. "I presume England is stressed?" France asks Scotland who sits next to Wales, comforting the dragon the best he can. "Completely stressed. He's thinking about joining Ireland for a drink or two." Scotland answers and France sighs.

"Ah France, you're finally home." England greets the French and the two immediately hugs the other. "Thinking about drinking with Ireland?" France asks the England nods. "Well, if you change your mind about drinking with your brother." France brings out a binder which contains the papers that Estonia gave her. England looks at the binder in confusion. "You need help with paperwork? You know our papers are highly different." England looks at the binder before deciding to peak through the contents. Not that France would mind, England was sure of that.

"France? What's this?" England asks, gesturing towards a weirdly detailed report on experiments. It wasn't any normal experiment and he isn't keen on finding out why France has these. Actually, scratch that. He needs to know why France has these. For safety reasons and out of curiosity. "Stuff that could lead me to my brother." France answers and England just looks at the papers even more confused. "Estonia said that these would be a journal entry of some sort." France sighs as she reads part of the paper that England grabbed.

Alias: Nikolas
Magic type: Dark magic (Lesser demon)
Magic cast: Burst
Abilities: Psychic Navigation
Militant typing: Ambush

"Nikolas? Is that your brothers human name?" England asks and France nods. "As far as I know, militants often called each other by their human names due to their names being far too long." France explains. To be fair, their formal names are too long along with their informal ones. "Reminds me of Templar. Most of us called him Temp for short but he really didn't like that." England reminisces of the time he had to deal with the militant. "Heard he didn't like your brother." A voice chimes in and the two look behind them to see Ireland.

"Good evening to you two. Anyways England," Ireland sits down in between the two before hooking his arm right around England's neck. "Out to the bar?" Ireland asks and England thinks about it for a moment. "Apologies but I would have to decline this time. Bar fights can get boring after all and this one is interesting." England answers and Ireland decides to look at the papers on the floor. "Heard you were talking about John and I'm slightly interested in this instead of drinking." Ireland says and decides to read the a random piece of paper.

'I have been hired by the Kingdom of Poland to deal with and convert the Prussian tribes that has been harassing his lands. He seems rather awkward instead of the usual diplomatic and cold stance that I see from other countries.'

"Huh, you guys are studying mercenary groups or something?" Ireland asks and France hesitantly nods. "Well, sort of. Mainly looking at stuff my brother used to own." France looks at yet another piece of paper.

'Vatican has ordered me to kill my fellow militants for treason. I have not seen them commit such act. However, I shall do what he ordered me to do. No questions asked.'

"Huh, he had to kill a few of the other militants by Vatican's orders?" France looks at the piece of paper confused. "And with no questions asked, seems like he's completely blinded by loyalty." France places the paper towards another pile of papers which have been read already. "Anything interesting on the other papers?" France asks and England looks up from the paper he was reading.

'Venezia has raided Hungary, a fellow Catholic, for some money. Vatican is angered however the crusade most go on.'

"Well that was useless. We all know this happened and Vatican kinda swept it under a rug." Ireland grumbles and England places the paper away. "Ooooo, what about this one?" Ireland looks at the piece of paper which seems to have more words than the other sections.

'I am trapped in a snowstorm with three other countries. I collapsed after trying to find a way out of the forest. Poland took care of me while the other two found food once the winds have calmed. Poland discovers he now has ice magic. I soon discover I have it as well when Mongolia and Lithuania went out to hunt. I asked Poland to keep my ice magic a secret and he agreed. Everything is going accordingly.'

"So my brother now has ice magic." France notes down and thinks about those who use ice magic. "Seems like your brother planned to disappear instead of die. I mean, didn't Poland tell you that he killed your brother?" England says and France goes from confusion and shock. "So that means.." France's voice trails off and Ireland decides to continue. "Poland knows way more about what happened with your brother. And he is most likely alive." Ireland concludes and the three look at each other with one thing on their mind.

'We have to find Poland.'


Wowee, a short chapter.
Anyways, the book that has something about headcanons and stuff is HIGHLY OUTDATED.
I might update it but that would be for another time since I would have to transfer a lot of things in there.

936 words.

Edit, I forgot to mention that Templar's human name is John. I would've named him Josh as a joke but nahhh.

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