Chapter 3 - Freedom at lunch

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The sound of a bell immediately scares Poland from doing his papers, accidentally writing a smudge on the paper. 'Damn it...' Poland groans annoyed, covering his face in complete disbelief before setting the pen down. The bell slowly rings for a few more seconds before stopping completely. Poland unwillingly grabs a few pieces of paper and picks up his pen again to place it in his breast pocket. Opening the door, he is immediately greeted by loud noises along with his fellow co-workers walking past him. 

'How are the office rooms extremely soundproof!?' Poland completely rushes away from the noise as he doesn't want to listen to Portugal and Spain argue about something. Finally arriving at the cafeteria, he sits down next to two of his friends. "You seem to be annoyed with something." Slovakia remarks as she peers at the papers that Poland had brought. "Ooooo, you got pissed from signing the paper?" Slovakia asks and Poland declines. "The lunch bell managed to scare me this time." Poland answers and gets a pat in the back. 

"Can I see?" Czechia asks and Poland nods, handing the paper towards the latter. "Just a smudge," Czechia remarks before using his magic to remove the smudge. "There, all clean again." Czechia happily hands back the paper to Poland which immediately gets inspected. "Every once in a while, I sometimes doubt your abilities Czechia..." Poland murmurs loud enough that only Slovakia can hear it. "So, where's Hungary?" Czechia asks and looks around their table. 

"Unsure, you know how his government work can get a bit too much." Poland replies and neatly places the papers into an organized pile. "Well, I'm eating without him. You know how he sometimes becomes late during lunch break" Slovakia remarks and starts eating her food. Minutes later, Hungary finally arrives looking exhausted. "Hey, what happened?" Poland asks as Hungary sits next to Poland. "Papers, papers, more papers, and rainbows." Hungary blurts out and Poland just sits there confused. 'Rainbows?' Poland looks at Hungary in confusion which the latter notices.

"Some random law about LGBT, something like that. I don't even want to follow that rule. I'm a country, not some random human." Hungary lets out and Poland pats his back. "Still quite upsetting that your government still does not approve that you and Austria are married." Poland comments which the others immediately hear. "Your government found out you and Austria are married!?" Czechia asks in shock. If the government knows that their country has been married to another country, this could mean terrible news to both countries. 

"I uh, forgot to take off my ring during interviews and I got pressured." Hungary looks down in shame as the others silently hope that Austria will be fine with this. "Does Austria know..?" Slovakia asks and Hungary nods. "He knows but he doesn't care. I mean, we all know what his actual gender is." Hungary answers which the others sigh in relief. They now don't have to deal with a pissed off Austria. "Anyways, anything new that has been happening recently?" Slovakia asks as she puts away her lunch. 

"France is attempting to find someone. Her brother to be specific." Poland answers and the two look interested. "Have you told him yet?" Czechia asks and Poland nods. "Him and I are going to meet up today just to discuss about this." Poland answers and Hungary looks confused for a second. "But, didn't you go back to your office?" Hungary asks and Poland nods. "I accidentally bumped into France while going to my office. Luckily, he teleported a few of my government papers towards me as an alibi." Poland explains.

A figure suddenly appears behind Hungary and Poland which immediately frighten both Czechia and Slovakia. Looking behind, Hungary immediately sees a slightly pissed Austria. "You didn't invite me to your little meeting." Austria angrily looks at the Hungarian who just sighs. Putting away his lunch, Hungary drags Austria somewhere. Probably to talk about whatever they just talked about. "Well, what time are you two gonna meet up?" Slovakia asks which Poland responds with, "At night." 

"Brother, eat faster. You don't have much time left." Slovakia says and Czechia looks at the nearby wall clock. "Oh man, I wanted to finish this soup nice and slowly..." Czechia sighs and basically slurps the entire soup. "Czechia, were in public." Slovakia scolds Czechia which the latter ignores. Slovakia sighs as she watches Czechia put his lunch away. "Well... I'll just uhh, I'll just go back to my office now." Poland stands up and organizes the papers before leaving. "Cya Pol!" Czechia waves good bye to Poland and the latter does a little wave before disappearing behind a door. 


Czechia doesn't eat too fast anymore. I know the chapters keep getting extremely different from the original but yeahhhhh. This is what happens if you randomly change headcanons midway.
Anyways, here's the word count: 817 words.

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