Chapter 4 - Break time

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The bell rings at 3:30 PM, signaling the other countries that they can take a break until 4 PM before going back to work. Poland rises up from his deck to stretch his aching back, practically unfolding his wings in the process. 'Finally, a break from sitting down and signing paperwork.' Poland groans before opening his door to go outside. "Surprisingly nobody is going out. Huh..." Poland looks at the closed doors and walks off to the break room only to find Germany reading something. Poland rolls his eyes and turns his attention towards the coffee machine.

'Well, I'll just get coffee then.' Poland walks towards the coffee machine and picks up a paper cup before filling it up with coffee. "Poland!" Slovakia yells which promptly gets a shush from Germany who was now staring at the two. "Remember that the break room is supposed to be a quiet place. Not somewhere to raise your voice." Germany sternly looks at the two before turning his attention to the book he was reading. Slovakia rolls her eyes before walking towards Poland. "As usual, he's bossy. A literal control freak." Slovakia whispers towards Poland and the latter chuckles. "One day, he's gonna lose all control. I'm sure of it." Poland snickers and Slovakia snickers along. 

"You do know that the coffee machine is just right next to me." Germany bluntly says out loud without looking and the two immediately walk at the opposite side of the room. "Good thing he can't fire us or it would be highly complicated." Poland looks at Germany in disdain. He should hate him but he knows that this isn't exactly how the latter really acts. Just like everyone that is high up, they'd have to keep a façade and act accordingly. When in reality, they could be the most shy or loud individuals. 

Poland sighs and checks the time. "Oh, it's 3:48 already." Slovakia looks at the time as well and looks back at Poland. "Well, cya." Slovakia casually teleports herself back into her office while Poland just stares at where his friend was just standing. "And you, aren't you usually just in your office?" Poland looks at the German which the latter puts the book away. "I wasn't even here in the first place." Germany smirks and practically disappears from the place he was sitting on. 'Why that little-' Poland groans and walks out of the break room.

'Of course Germany had to be this childish.' Poland walks back to his office and closes the door. Taking a sip from his coffee which has mostly cooled down, he continues to work on the mountain of papers until the next bell strikes. Which is practically in an hour. Poland sighs and chugs the entirety of the cup's content. 'So much work to do yet so little time...' Poland sifts through the pile of papers to check if everything has been signed and in order. A few were out of order and fewer weren't signed. 

Poland lifts up his pen before signing then arranging the papers into a binder. After quite a while, he has finally finished his work and can now leave these on his desk for tomorrow. Poland hides his wings before resting his back on the chair. But before he could enjoy a few minutes of rest, a bell startles him and he immediately picks up his things. 'So much for a little break.' Poland grumbles and unfurls his wings. Walking out of the door, he notices Czechia and Slovakia talking about a few things.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Slovakia asks as Czechia opens the hallways door. "Go to a pub perhaps?" Czechia suggests and Slovakia rolls her eyes. Of course, her brother loves to drink every once in a while so it wasn't really a surprise. "Do we invite everyone?" Poland asks and Czechia nods. "You call Hungary so that those two can join. Who knows, maybe Switzerland and Liechtenstein joins in as well." Czechia says as he, Slovakia, and Poland walk towards the teleporters. "Then Austria can drag Germany around." Slovakia snickers knowing that Germany won't pass a chance for a drink or two.

"So, who's land are we crashing into?" Poland asks and Czechia thinks for a bit. "Maybe Germany, the beer there is pretty good." Czechia suggests before chuckling to himself. "But it will never be as good as mine." Czechia continues and snickers which the two join in. "Just don't attempt to compete with him, you know how terribly long it gets." Poland says and prays that Czechia doesn't get an argument with Germany about beer.

"Speaking of who, there he is." Slovakia points at two people who were talking. "Hey Ger, mind you join us at a pub or something?" Czechia walks over to Germany. "Hmm, probably. There is no meeting tomorrow after all." Germany thinks about it for a while but gets ripped out of his thoughts by France. "The UN meeting." France taps on Germany's shoulder and the latter sighs. "I'll join in, just not drinking anything excessive." Germany sighs and nods to France. 

"Now, Poland. France told me about you listening to private conversation." Germany sternly looks at the Pole who was now stuck in place. Czechia and Slovakia took the cue to walk backwards and pretend that nothing is happening. "What did you hear?" France asks and Poland mentally prepares himself. "All I heard is just you looking for someone." Poland answers and France sighs. After all, that was all she talked about with Belgium. 

"Well, since you already heard about it, why not join in?" France asks hoping that Poland would join. There were rumors back then that the two were very close with each other. "Fine, I'll join in." Poland gives in and France smiles. "Now go home, I'll call you once we're searching." France dismisses Poland which the latter walks off to where Czechia and Slovakia was peeking at. "You two left me alone with those two." Poland looks at the two unamused before walking towards the hallway. "Well, what else are we gonna do? Just stare?" Czechia argues and Poland breathes in with a sigh. 

"Makes sense. Alright, I'll go home for now to drop off some documents before going towards the usual." Poland waves goodbye at the two before walking back at the teleporter. "Poland wait." Germany stops Poland from stepping towards the teleporter. "Who's land are we drinking at? You guys never told me." Germany whispers towards Poland. "Towards yours apparently." Poland whispers back and steps towards the teleporter. "We'll see you there." Poland waves before disappearing through a column of light.


Lost motivation. Managed to find one. All I have are regrets and only regrets.

Anyways, word count: 1119 words.

Spell check: Column (recently only updated AO3)

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