Chapter 12 - France

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Another day at the office. Germany wearily stares at the scene in front of him. From huge ice spikes that littered around the meeting room, the random things on fire for totally no reason. At this point, Germany wished he could die at that point. Unfortunately, he cannot kill himself, at least not in a normal way as the others around him could. Same old fights, same old problems, same old people. Just in a different year with different locations, appearances, and perhaps an addition of people. Germany sighs as he retreats to the designated "break" room. 

France leans over the wall with her usual expression, that was until Germany entered the room. "We need to talk." France says to the German who looks at her in confusion. "About?" Germany sits down on the other side of the room, looking at the woman in front of him. "Alone." France glares at the other people who have taken refuge in the room who immediately decide that they've had enough of the room. Germany looks at France a bit more confused than usual. 'France would never do that unless it was that serious.' Germany mentally prepares himself for whatever France is about to say.

"God, where do I begin..?" France's expression softens once the doors were locked, a stark contrast to the cold glare she was doing moments ago. "Just say it." Germany slightly leans back thinking its just one of those "I need help with this thing" or "Somethings wrong and I need help" kind of thing. "I uh.., God why is this so hard to say in person!?" France fusses before painfully looking at Germany as if he already knew what she was thinking about. "Need help with your presentation for next week or something?" Germany asks, pretty much confused on what France is hinting at.

France simply sighs and decides to just blurt it out, but every time she opens her mouth, she immediately shuts down any thought and stays quiet instead. "Something wrong?" Germany asks, deciding to instead stand beside her just to comfort her. "Whatever I'll say next will most likely ruin our relationship as friends.." France looks down as if wanting to cry, "And perhaps you'll hate me even more as soon as you find out." France looks at the German who is intently looking at her concerned. "And why would I hate you? There's no reason for me to hate you. At least not anymore." Germany responds and decides to lightly drag France to sit on the couch. 

"Its just.. Would you hate me just like you hated on me centuries back?" France asks, lightly pulling at her dress. "Depends really. Besides, our hatred against each other centuries back was government related-" Germany gets cut off. "It isn't government related." France says as tears slightly fall into her balled hands. Germany sighs and looks at France, expecting if it was something she took from him back then. "Look, if you took something that I owned and I never asked for it to be returned, it doesn't mean much to me." Germany says and France wants to kill herself on the spot. How oblivious the German is, she has no clue. 

France sighs and decides not to reveal anything, instead she attempts to redirect Germany to another subject. Unfortunately, Germany isn't easily swayed by the poorly attempted change of subject and decides to press on. "Look, you know that I don't get easily mad. Whatever it is, it cant be that bad." Germany says to France who is contemplating her life choices. "Right?" Germany questionably looks at France who immediately sweats. 'With me questioning if you're my brother or not? Absolutely not.' France thinks and fakes a smile to the latter. "Maybe.."

France looks away and Germany sits there while deciding whether or not should he read France's mind. He decides not to, he did promise to not read peoples minds unless absolutely necessary. Instead, he decides to mess with France. "You do know I can read your mind~" Germany purrs, lightly snickering as France closes up the mental connection they have. They mainly use that connection if they're in danger. But over time, they used it as a private conversation as to not disrupt meetings. 

"Relax, I would never! I promised I wouldn't do that since what, decades ago perhaps?" Germany chuckles as France settles down a bit. Germany, seeing how relaxed France is, decided to not push through instead. 'She can tell it another time.' Germany pats France's back, "I'm sure you can tell me whatever you have in your mind another time. Once you're confident enough, that is." The door immediately brings the two to perk up and look at whoever is knocking. Germany resumes his neutral face while France shows no sign of her crying just minutes ago. 

"Yes?" Germany looks at whoever knocked on the door. "Meetings over. You two decided not to supervise the entire thing and just let them be?" EU scolds the two countries but Germany stands his ground. "Aren't you the one in charge if both France and I are not present?" Germany angrily glares at the organization in front of him who seems equally as mad as him. "You two went into the break room while the meeting was ongoing. Highly unprofessional." EU scoffs and Germany doesn't budge one bit. "And haven't we told you that anyone can enter in the break room as long as they're done with their presentation?" Germany answers before stepping closer, looking up to the entity.

"Look here EU, you may be the head of this entire thing but France and I still hold more power than you. We make the decisions and you enforce it. If we aren't present, you take initiative." Germany scolds EU before slamming the door on his face. "God, despite him living for a few decades now, he still is kinda stupid." Germany huffs and sits next to France who has pretty much returned to her usual happy self. "Anyways, we must return to our office. Still have a few hours before going home." Germany stands up after checking that France is completely alright.

But before Germany opens the door, he turns back to look at France. "Also, you can always talk to me whatever you had in your mind. You know where to find me." Germany warmly smiles and France nods before watching the man exit the room. France sighs, mentally berating herself for not being able to say anything. She stands up and instead uses a portal to go to her office. 'Maybe next time, I'll have the guts to ask him about it...'

also, funni fact
france has the ability to control and summon lightning
i mean, think about, lightning goes towards the path with the least resistance-
french surrender jokes are real !!

Been a long while, what happened is that I currently have a new pc and my mom has taken my laptop for herself
Since I cannot adjust the brightness of this thing as I am rather someone who isnt into tech, I had to find wattpad dark mode extensions just to write (also had a huge gap of motivation lol)

Other chapters coming soon I guess, 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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