Chapter 6 - Poland

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Poland walks around the UN building aimlessly trying to find France. 'Perhaps I went here too early?' Poland thought to himself as he does another loop around in the empty halls. "Poland, I've noticed that you've been roaming aimlessly in the building. Who are you looking for?" a voice asks and Poland turns around. "UN, have you seen France? I'm trying to look for her." Poland answers sheepishly since UN most likely saw him fuss over things while walking around. "She's currently with Germany talking about a speech. Just find Italy and he'll most likely find Germany for you." UN informs and Poland immediately thanks him before walking away.

"Italy, don't you think that you're being too greedy?" Spain asks as Italy hogs a dozen of donut holes. "But dude, these are really good." Italy replies while covering his mouth. "If only I can just ask who makes these. Unfortunately, nobody knows." Spain sighs as he manages to snatch a donut hole from Italy. "Why does your stomach have to be a blackhole..." Spain munches down and Italy giggles. "Hey uh, if you don't mind me barging in." a voice disturbs them and they turn towards the source.

"Hey Poland, what do you need?" Italy asks, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. "I was wondering if you can find Germany for me since UN said that France is with Germany." Poland answers and Italy nods. "I can take you to him," Italy motions Poland to follow him, "but why exactly are you looking for France?" Italy asks as Poland trails behind. "Well, it's confidential. Sorry." Poland responds and Italy nods. Confidential is confidential after all. No need to pry what it is. A few minutes later of roaming through the halls, Italy and Poland finally found who they're looking for.

"Oh, hey Italy! And.. Poland." Germany greets Italy enthusiastically while awkwardly greeting Poland as he only came into view seconds later. "Hey Ger, you seem rather jumpy today." Italy remarks and Germany giggles. "Vacation upcoming and it'll be on my land. I get to driver duty since we'll be on the Autobahn." Germany answers and France rolls her eyes. "The roads are long after all." Germany comments and France jabs him in the stomach. "Still driving France.." Germany holds his stomach in pain and Italy gestures to both of them about something. "France, Poland wanted to talk to you about something." Italy steps aside and Poland was now the center of attention.

Poland's anxiety immediately rose as the three looked at him. Well, one of them was more focused on pain, the other two were focused directly at him. "Well uhh.. France, you said something about you know who and you needing help with something important, you know..." Poland nervously starts off and Italy decides that it's the right time to excuse himself and go back to Spain. "It's about your brother." Poland finally lets out once Italy was far away. France looks at him and smiles, "Thank you for joining in just to find my brother." France thanks him as Germany excuses himself, presumably towards his office. 

"I suppose you knew him?" France asks and Poland nods. "Him and I were neighbors albeit in not so great terms. Although outside of politics, well, secretly, we were close friends." Poland answers and France looks at Poland with interest. She had multiple questions and she was going to get it. She wants her brother back and she badly wants to apologize about something. "What exactly was he like?" France asks and Poland thinks about it. "Well, I would say that he usually isn't a conversation starter. He usually just listens, just making a few comments here and there." Poland starts off remembering how it sometimes feels like he's just talking to air that occasionally responds after a while.

"If he finds something interesting, he usually just asks about it. Even the littlest things." Poland fondly recalls as Teutonic casually viewed a few things with great interest. Almost like a child learning about the wonders of the world. "Although, he usually puts others before himself. Getting himself in danger just to make sure others wont suffer such things." Poland continues, a little sadness seeps from his voice. "But funnily enough, despite experiencing so much pain, he likes children. And no, not in a creepy way. I meant like he really likes taking care of them." Poland says and France looks shocked. 

"Children? Those things are the bane of my existence." France scowls as she remembers the time of going towards the human world to have the monthly talk with her government. During a plane flight, it just so happens there was a baby on the place. Poland cringes knowing what she meant. "He absolutely likes taking care of children stating that "They don't know any better." It was also the few moments where a calm aura just sweeps in promising you that you are safe." Poland lastly says and France just stares at the floor with her lips pursed. "France, are you alright?" Poland asks as he places a hand on the others shoulder. 

"I'm fine Poland..." France looks at Poland, smiling with a pained expression but Poland decided not to press further. France breathes in before continuing, "Do you know what exactly happened to him? All Vatican said was he suddenly disappeared from the panel where he usually documents where militants are." France asks and Poland nods much to her surprise. "Sorry France but truth is, I killed him." Poland says as he silently lets his magic out. Lest he get a strike from France. But surprisingly, it didn't come. Only silence followed suit. 

"You, what?" France slightly cries as Poland just stays there, standing still, with the absolute guts just to say that he killed Teutonic. "It was in the middle of war, Lithuania was involved in it and I had to kill him." Poland explains and France looks like she's about to use a huge beam on Poland. "Wait, let me explain!" Poland raises his hands up while defensively poofing his wings up. "Oh you better start explaining before this entire building is demolished." France growls and Poland sweats knowing that the blame would be put on him if that happens.

"A war was happening, Lithuania didn't want to keep him alive but Lithuania wasn't exactly where the battle was on. It was on a ship, we fought there until we were the only ones left. He calmly stated that I had to kill him so that Vatican doesn't try using him for his grand scheme of plans. I hesitated but during those moments, I didn't realize that he had taken my spear. He shoved it into his chest and just told me "If I ever come back as someone else, do know that my death is not entirely your fault. Vatican always had suspicions on you and to remove that, I made sure Vatican thought that you killed me." It was the last straw for me, I tried healing magic but he completely refused it. I couldn't even pull the spear out since pulling it out would mean more damage." Poland briefly pauses, tears in his eyes before continuing.

"I just sat there as he slowly died and faded into nothingness. He never came back." Poland ends and practically just wanted to go home and curl up at bed. Before any further conversation starts, someone interrupts them. "You two should make yourselves presentable. The meeting starts in ten minutes." a voice startles the two to redirect their magic towards the source, only for both of them to apologize seconds after. "Sorry Ger." France looks to the ground in shame and Germany teleports UK just to calm down France. "Wha-" UK rapidly looks around and sees the state France was in. "Take care of her, I'll take care of Poland." Germany quietly says to the UK and the latter nods.

Germany escorts Poland towards the nearest restroom in silence. Not a single word was uttered. Until Poland calmed himself, Germany pats him on the back. "It's alright, reliving something like that is a pure nightmare and I understand." Germany slightly reaches for Poland's wings which Poland notices. Extending his wing, Germany lightly strokes the wing while Poland quietly purrs in content. "We should head towards the meeting. I don't want us getting late now." Germany lets go of Poland's wing before teleporting towards the doors to the meeting room. "I'll be seeing you later." Germany walks in and sits down on his designated seat while Poland follows suit. 

An attendance checking happens before the meeting starts, those who are late for five minutes have to stay there to clean up the mess if a fight broke out. Poland sighs as the meeting finally starts. He'll have to apologize to France about the stuff happened earlier.


Funny thing, the donut holes were previously called munchkins here before I went off frantically researching.

It has been quite a long while since I last updated this book. Mostly because of the loss of motivation to push out chapters. Especially this one since it's supposedly like the "5th" book. Along with me casually changing headcanons every single time I get some freedom. At this point, I should actually try being straightforward in doing things. This book will now be my test. Updates will now come every Tuesday/Wednesday. Once in every 2 weeks. 

Also, this thing was written in Tuesday and published on a Wednesday since I was thinking about what the title should be.

Anyways, your usual word count, 1587 words.

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