Chapter 7 - Explanation

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The meeting finally ends with mostly just arguments and a few agreements. France speed walks her way out of meeting which Germany tries to follow her pace. 'France? What's wrong?' Germany telepathically asks as France furiously made a beeline towards her office. 'A lot of things...' France answers back and Germany immediately gets worried. He knows that France and Poland talked about something but what was it about? Without a worry that France might lash out on him, Germany lets his curiosity get the best of him. 'What did you and Poland even talk about?' Germany asks, worrying about Poland but more so on France.

'Turns out, he was the one that killed my brother...' France huffs before harshly pulling the door to her office. "Sit down." France orders and Germany obeys, better not anger a woman on her spiel. Germany immediately sets up a barrier which prevented any sound to spread outside while also deactivating the hidden camera inside the office. "It's just frustrating..!" France furiously sets the papers aside, promptly dropping it towards a box. "For centuries, Poland has helped me find my brother just to find out that he was the one who killed him." France starts off and Germany just sits there helpless.

"My entire life, I had to cope with the fact that the more I look back into my- no, our childhood. Vatican practically meant to separate us." France looks down, the anger in her eyes long gone, replaced with a sorrowful look that practically begs that all of this would just end. "What did Vatican even do? I mean, I get that a few nations said he was terrible back then but, I wasn't exactly alive at that point in time nor was I close to Vatican." Germany questions and France breathes in to clear her now uneven breathing. "He told me that being a completely independent nation meant that I need nobody. Not even my own brother, and I believed it." France answers and Germany's face immediately sours

"I avoided my brother at all costs, didn't even talk to him. Now I pay the consequences of having nightmares of the night when he left. When he abandoned me." France sniffs and Germany practically wants to scoot over and comfort her. Alas, if only someone didn't knock on the door then he would've done so. Opening the door instead, Germany is greeted by a familiar white and red flag. "Can I come in? I need to apologize to France. And quick. Britain is after me." The figure by the doorway rushes with an explanation and Germany lets them in. "Poland..." France angrily looks at the Pole who has now immediately shielded himself from France.

"I can explain everything, I swear. Just please, calm down with your magic." Poland pleads and France hesitantly deactivates her magic. "We were on a boat, Lithuania was out of sight. I only said that I killed him is because of the stupid magic rules." Poland starts and France raises a brow. "He took one of my light spears and stabbed himself with it. And you know how hard it is to remove those spears. Not only does it pierce through things, it also destroys anything completely when pulled out." Poland explains but France doesn't seem convinced.

"There is no way that my brother would kill himself." France flatly points off and Poland sighs. "Exactly, there wasn't any other way. He had to kill himself because of something." Poland argues, completely standing his ground. "Then what exactly is that something that would force him to kill himself?" France asks which she gets a familiar answer. "Vatican." Poland answers and France doesn't even look surprised. "What was Vatican's plan on my brother?" France asks and Poland hesitates until a light beam practically threatens him to spill the information.

"You know about his newer ability of conjuring illusions. Those things were highly potent to the point you can't tell what's real and what's not. The only way you can is if you bash the thing hard enough that it bursts. You know..." Poland starts but gets cut off by France. "Get to the point." France growls and Poland nods. "Basically, Vatican wanted him to replace every single leader with an illusion. While the actual person is left off somewhere to continue living, the illusions will provide aid to Vatican which he'll profit off of. Basically, free power." Poland explains and France still looks skeptical.

"Look, your brother literally has been turned into a militant that literally stores information. Put one in some random place and they'll likely remember everyone's conversation by just listening and standing still." Poland argues again and France just had enough. "Look, Poland. I know that only you know what truly happened since you two were neighbors but, whatever you just said earlier. Its just really hard to believe." France sighs and Poland nods understandingly.

"Guys, are you done with talking? I've been here for a while asking if I can leave since you two are at each others throats at this point." Germany cuts in through their conversation and France immediately apologizes to the latter. "Sorry Ger, I forgot you were in my office in the first place." France apologizes which Germany immediately accepts. "No worries, you two were really out of it. It's been almost an hour since then." Germany says and France abruptly looks at the time. 'First of all, how the hell?' was all that Poland could mutter before shaking his head in dismay. "I'll return to my office. I have paperwork to do." Poland exits France's office and running could be heard once the door was closed.

"I'll be at my office as well. If you need me, remember that my office is just next to yours." Germany concludes and decides teleporting is the best option even though it only takes a few seconds for him to arrive at his office. France sighs once again and and arranges the slight mess that she had made. 'Now I get what these boxes are for...' France mutters and continues off with her day as if nothing bad happened.


No update last week since I was at the (insert country here) embassy. This was uploaded on a Thursday (12:41 AM as of typing this segment). I literally have school. Then again, I do afternoon naps these days.

Oh and, anything that's in italics, it's basically in another language but I (the writer) decided to not use a different language and just placed its English equivalent.

Word count: 1086 words.

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