Chapter 8 - Emails

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Work hours finally end at 5:30 PM. The teleportation hub is packed to the brim with countries wanting to get home and rest. Italy walks past the teleportation hub alongside Germany. "What did you want to discuss with me after work hours?" Germany asks the Italian who just simply chuckles in reply. "Well, I heard from EU that there might be a meeting in a few days." Italy informs Germany which rather annoys the latter. "Great, I have to type down yet another angry rant to EU and get France to complain as well." Germany whines and Italy chuckles again from his friends mood. 

"Don't worry Ger, I'm sure that EU would reschedule once you two start complaining." Italy pats Germany's back while Germany silently creates a mental list of complaints towards EU. "Hey uh, Germany. I think our papers got switched again by accident." a voice from behind startles Italy while Germany briefly turns around with a poker face. "I haven't seen your paper work on my desk yet Georgia. Perhaps UN delayed some of the papers again." Germany answers and Georgia nods while hurrying towards Armenia. "You still get your papers mixed with Georgia?" Italy asks and Germany nods. 

"Along with Denmark. Some of the countries outside of Europe confuse DE as Denmark's papers and GE as my papers. So now we have an awkward exchange as Denmark gains extra paper work, Georgia missing her papers, and me getting confused why I have more or less papers than usual." Germany explains and Italy grimaces at the thought of his papers getting into a mix. "I have to remind some of the others that my iso-2 code is DE and not GE but nope." Germany sighs in annoyance and Italy slightly pockets on something. 

"Anyways, while you complain, you don't mind if a smoke do you?" Italy asks as he takes out a cigarette. "You can do that outside." Germany reprimands the latter and Italy grumbles. Germany chuckles and teleports both of them outside. "Now you can smoke." Germany hands a lighter which Italy gladly accepts. "Still don't understand how you manage to smuggle your daggers and a lighter in the building." Italy points off curiously, puffing out the smoke. "I usually just teleport in. UN doesn't exactly examine you if you aren't problematic." Germany answers and Italy frowns.

"What do you mean "You're not problematic," you literally chased someone down the hallways a few times with your sword and there was no sign of you stopping." Italy frowns at Germany and the latter shrugs. "Well deserved on their part." Germany looks at the distance as he watches Switzerland talk to a state he can't exactly recognize from a distance. "Ger. Ger. Ger. Germany. Are you even listening?" Italy looks at the German ticked off. "Zoned out, sorry. If you want, I can come around your land." Germany apologizes and Italy then zones off.

"Say, mind returning me home? I don't want to touch the teleportation hub." Italy requests and Germany teleports the two of them towards the latter's house. Italy walks over to the coffee table and stubs the cigarette on an ashtray. "Anyways, is there any chance that you'll duel with me yet again? Kinda getting tired knowing that you and Russia secretly duel in Siberia." Italy asks as he settles down the sofa and turns on the TV. "Could happen soon. Stuff is happening and I'm quite rusty anyway." Germany walks over Italy before sitting down next to him. 

"I'll just stay here for some time. You wont mind would you?" Germany asks as he comfortably leans over Italy. "Sure, I don't mind." Italy replies and Germany decides to snooze off. Italy chuckles and leans down to open a drawer on the sofa. Grabbing a blanket and a pillow he somehow fit there, he moves his friend a bit for comfort. Germany grumbles a bit about being moved before pulling the blanket over his head. Finally, Italy places the pillow down and walks towards the kitchen. 'Hmm, perhaps a light dinner?' Italy looks through his fridge to see what he can prepare. 

Italy takes out some of the ingredients and prepares it. 'A fancy and light dinner.' Italy smiles as he cooks small bits of steak. Germany prefers meat after all, mostly due to his magic. For himself, he'd rather have a ravioli before settling into the night. Italy lets the steak steam for some time and walks back into the living room. 'Still asleep, I'm surprised.' Italy gently removes the pillow and replaces it with his lap instead. Only a few grumbles can be heard from him doing so. Changing the channels a bit, he finally settles on an action film. Turning down the volume as he can hear Germany whining underneath the blanket. 

Minutes later of epic fighting, Germany wakes up and yawns before stretching his back. "Morning sleepy. The food is most likely ready now." Italy whispers and Germany groans. "I swear I wasn't lying down..." was all that Italy could hear as the latter waddles his way towards the kitchen. Italy continues watching the action film, silently judging the car chases and gun scenes. 'Reminds me of the time in the mafia. Such chaotic times.' Italy smiles at the memory while part of him becomes angry about the memory. 

"I assume you cleaned your plate?" Italy calls out to Germany, not even looking directly at him. "Yep, I did." Germany sits right next to Italy and looks at the TV. "Really?" Germany looks at the screen dumbfounded. "Why not? Watching romance films are getting boring. Still have no idea how some others still have the capacity to watch those." Italy shrugs and leans over to Germany who has brought out a laptop. "Typing an email to EU?" Italy asks and Germany hums in reply. "Also typing one to France. I know its late but then again." Germany looks at the time on his laptop before sending an email. 

"Once France sees it and I'm onboard with the idea, she might do it. Well, depending on what it is." Germany says and Italy goes back to watching the action film. Typing and gunshots could only be heard as the two suddenly summon their weapons when a portal appears before them. Well, Germany summoned his weapon on the spot. Italy summoned his from Germany recoiling. "There's a meeting in a few days you say?" A woman walks out of the portal, looking slightly pissed. "Not my idea, France." Germany shrugs and puts his weapon away with Italy doing the same. 

"Uh, Ger. Your laptop." Italy holds the laptop upwards towards the German who immediately takes it. "If you want, you can type it down here." Germany hands his laptop towards France who gladly takes it. "EU sent an email to you stating that the meeting wont be cancelled if France hasn't vetoed it." France reads out before smirking. Some typing later, another email from EU appears. "The meeting wont be cancelled if Poland doesn't veto it. Remember that Italy and Spain's vetoes are invalid." France reads out loud and frowns. 

"I'll call Poland. I'm sure he'll be down." Germany says and pats France's back before calling Poland on his phone. A bit of talking later, another email from EU appears. "The meeting will instead be on another date. What exactly are you three planning?" France reads out loud and Italy snorts. "EU has to stop thinking that we all want to work so badly. I need a break." Italy lies down on his sofa while France returns the laptop to Germany. Summoning another portal, France bids them a good night before walking through the portal.

The portal disintegrating as soon as France fully walks through. "I'll be heading home now, thank you for the meal." Germany waves to Italy before teleporting back to his home. Italy is left alone with the TV playing the action film. Checking the time, Italy decides to sleep early instead. Turning off the TV before walking upstairs into his room, Italy thinks about what Germany said an hour back. 'Stuff happening usually means that something terrible might happen.' Italy thinks about it before shrugging it off.

Whatever it means, Germany will personally take care of it.


The updates have been changed to Wednesday/Thursday as I'm currently in a different country. I am the jetlag.
Also yes, Italy and Germany being homies. 

Filler chapters are abundant. woo

Almost forgot about the word count, its 2:13 AM here but I'm publishing this when I wake up. 
Word count: 1423 words.

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