Chapter 9 - Latvia?

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Wait, a starting line? Thats unusual- 

Note: Starting lines exist if there is a behind the scenes stuff or some sort of flashback. 


A few days have passed as a shadowy figure hides every single note in what was once its own home. A fortress which it used to call a safe haven from someone. The figure walks down the secret passageways towards a tiny room with a cell. Picking up the dusted books which have been left on the table, it immediately flees out of the fortress of bricks.


Poland wakes up from someone lightly nudging him. He turns towards the person in question and immediately jumps. "DONT DO THAT!" Poland yells while accidentally throwing a light spear at the figure. Germany snickers lightly before helping Poland up. "Sorry, had to do a bit of a visit somewhere. Almost forgot to pack some of the stuff you need for France." Germany hands Poland a few books which seemed to be handled with such care. "Where did you get these?" Poland asks and flips the pages. Poland could barely read the contents of the strange language but it looked oddly familiar. 

"Have you read this or no? Looks like an older version of a language you once used back in the day." Poland asks and Germany takes a look. "I tried reading it but it's quite hard to read for me." Germany answers and Poland pats his back. "Anyways, where is France?" Poland asks as he gets up from bed. Looking at the panel that Germany just summoned, Poland finds that France is not far from his house. "Seems like she'll be here soon. Go and dress up, my government gave me work today." Germany states before giving Poland a pat in the back.

"Good luck out there Pol." Germany stands up and teleports presumably back at his home. Poland immediately rushes to make himself look presentable. A few minutes of cursing on how the water is too hot and too cold at the same time, he manages to dress up and answer the door just in time. "Hello Poland, it seems that you were in a rush." France notes as Poland rushes to open the door. "You don't mind if I come in?" France asks and gets a quick nod. Coming inside the house and closing the door behind her, she watches as the Pole swiftly goes upstairs. 

France awkwardly waits downstairs as Poland quickly places the books that Germany gave to him inside a bag. "Sorry about that, I just woke up a few minutes ago." Poland apologizes and France opens the door so they can go outside. "It's fine, let us focus on more important things." France answers and notices the bag. "What's that for?" France asks interested and Poland looks down to where France was pointing at. "Oh this?" Poland holds up the bag and reveals its contents. "Just some books I found centuries ago. Lithuania wanted to throw it away but I insisted on keeping it." Poland lies and France looks at the books puzzled. 

"Why do we need those books?" France asks and Poland completely forgot about that part. "Well, I found these books at Malbork Castle. Its where your brother lived at one point." Poland answers, continuing the lies and France immediately looks from puzzled to interested. "May I?" France asks, gesturing towards the bag and Poland nods. "You might not be able to read it though. It's old Prussian so its best if you ask Germany." Poland answers before whispering something that France couldn't hear.

"Hm? What was that you said?" France asks and Poland slightly sweats internally. "Its old Prussian?" Poland answers with a confused tone hoping that France buys it. Unfortunately for him, France did not buy it. "No, after that. What did you say?" France looks at Poland completely skeptical and Poland sighs. "That Germany probably won't be able to read it. I mean yeah, Germany knows Prussian but not," Poland grabs the book that France was trying to decipher "this." Poland closes the book before placing it back inside his bag. "Although, I do know someone might be able to read it." Poland says and France immediately brightens up with hope.

"Who? Lithuania?" France asks and Poland chuckles as soon as he heard his sister. "No, either Estonia or Latvia. Mostly Latvia though." Poland answers and France looks at Poland confused. "I would understand if it was Estonia but Latvia?" France looks at Poland even more confused as the latter just snickers in reply. "Latvia at one point was with your brother. She would know best to read this. Hopefully the centuries of learning other languages by force didn't destroy her knowledge of this." Poland answers and France nods slightly losing hope.

Creating a portal which directs towards Riga, the two walk inside to try and find Latvia. "I'll ask Lithuania if she's seen Latvia around. Riga isn't too big but I'd rather not waste time walking in the cold." Poland says and France nods, slowly closing the portal while wishing she brought heavier winter clothes. "Latvia is with Estonia. They're currently in Tallinn." Poland says and France creates another portal directly towards Estonia. "Good morning France and Poland." A voice calls out to them as soon as they enter in.

"Hello Esti. Its been a while." Poland greets Estonia which the latter smiles through her blindfold. "Why did you want to meet us?" Latvia asks as she helps Estonia in preparing the table. "Tea?" Estonia asks holding a cup up and Poland warmly accepts. "Well, just wanted to ask if you can read this book." Poland reaches for his bag and takes out two books. "If you two wont mind?" Poland asks and Latvia looks through it. "I thought these were gone for good." Latvia sharply inhales, completely surprised. 

"What is it?" Estonia asks as she places the teapot down to look at the book. "Oh, these." Estonia blankly stares at it and looks at Latvia. "Why are they trying to read a dead person's stuff?" Estonia asks. "I have no idea." Latvia answers and the two settle down on a chair. "This is private stuff were talking about here." Latvia says more seriously. "Why exactly do you need this?" Latvia asks with her arms crossed. She doesn't like to read someone's personal life. Especially from someone she once knew so well. 

"But a better question, didn't you kill him centuries ago? Why exactly are you interested now?" Latvia accusingly looks at the Pole with suspicion written on her face. "Well, mostly because of France." Poland answers truthfully with his hands raised up, trying to wave off the woman who was now glaring daggers at him. "Latvia, calm down." Estonia's voice immediately calms down the woman but still continues to stare at Poland. "Look, France. This is just personal life which would most likely give you nightmares. I'll just summarize it quickly but that's all the help you'll get from us." Estonia says as she leans down to reach a notepad. 

"Now leave. I'll send you the summary once I'm done." Estonia looks away from them and starts writing down things. "I apologize for this, good bye." France slightly bows down and summons a portal towards Warsaw and Paris. As soon as France and Poland enter the portal, it shortly disappears. Latvia leans over to Estonia, "Do I have to leave as well?" Latvia asks and Estonia mumbles a no. "You may stay as long as you want but please help me with this." Estonia answers and lends the latter a paper and pen. The two then continue their day, albeit it was slightly unusual.


Late update but anyways, 
I was supposed to update last week but some stuff happened like me watching the cinema while was typing paragraphs 2-5.

Not so fun. Anyways, off I go sleep :D


1311 words.

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